Patriots or globalists? I Opinion I Julián Rivas

by time news

2023-04-23 17:30:03


Petro is a globalist. He can sing pretty like a little cardinal… but he still dirty the cage

We were many and the grandmother gave birth. Gustavo Petro, president of Colombia, is an epigone of globalism. With access to the Zionist elite that dominates the United States. No no. No. It cannot be an example or a tutor for a nation that wants to be truly independent.
And Petro has a speech against our main resource for national salvation: oil. And the most curious thing is that within Colombia itself they have accelerated and expanded efforts to extract oil and gas. Oh! but how beautiful Petro speaks, says the useless left.

These questions are inescapable. How did the left become globalist? How was social democracy infiltrated by subjects like George Soros and the progressive current of the Obama Democratic Party; Clinton; Biden he?

More than 45 years ago, at the end of the 70s, we entered the revolutionary militancy. We were boys between 13 and 15 years old. Whether in legal or semi-legal, open or clandestine organizations, we were clear about what the Republic is; of anti-imperialist conviction, and even clearer, our militant condemnation of international Zionism. When did the Latin American left twist and enter that ideological swamp? A good question.

How depressing is the political class of this region. Useless, wrote José Vasconcelos”

I remember that we had street tasks, and also study circles. We knew very early on what monopolies and oligopolies were, cartels and trusts, unions and workers’ control, redistribution and oil, income and the capital-labor relationship. What will they study now in those progressive leftist parties? I don’t know. Now they talk about left queer and woke. Most surprisingly, they see the Calvinists as allies, the source of Zionism and the crazy theories of Manifest Destiny, religious fanaticism that today has sunk the United States.

Poor little United States, closer to Zionism than to being a Republic. They screwed up! Porfirio Díaz must be happy in his grave. The United States is taken by the devil. America is a decadent nation. Infiltrated by international Zionism. It is the least similar to a democratic Republic.
Jews are 2% of the population. And how curious: how do you explain that they absolutely control the government? Three hundred million citizens are like that painted on the wall.

You have to educate the people. Teach him what is Republic and Federalism. That socialism is the social. Teach him what accumulation and redistribution is”

I am talking about this matter because when commenting on Petro’s visit to the United States and meeting with Biden, one of Carmania’s dark-haired, Tomas Guanipa, said that it seems good to him that the United States pressure Venezuela “to return to democracy.” Look, this is a serious pod. And according to Guanipa’s criteria, “the free world” has the right to debate in conferences what to do with Venezuela. How tight is this dark-haired man from Carmania. Oh, by the way, Carmania is on the outskirts of Valera; Via Mendoza Fría and La Puerta.

How depressing is the political class of this region. Useless, wrote José Vasconcelos. They are not able to interpret this time of change. Clinging to the United States, they can go down with the United States.

Robert D. Kaplan, AngloZionist, admits America’s weaknesses. 20 years ago, in Journey to the Future of the Empire and other notes, he recognized the threats and contradictions of the northern country. But many here do not want to see what is happening, much less give sovereign answers. What happens to the left of the region? It happens to him that the example is guys like Petro who are globalists and don’t know how to see it. United in the same bag with the Obama_Clintons and those who dismantled the FARC with the dream of a peaceful Caribbean, something impossible while NATO prowls in these waters and colonialism is a bad mountain in an old conuco. That’s all

Another thing with this dark-haired Carmania. Apparently you don’t know about national accounts. Fedecámaras is part of those who have enjoyed “the distribution”. And he hasn’t been late either.

You have to educate the people. Teach him what is Republic and Federalism. That socialism is the social. Teach him what is accumulation and redistribution. What is accumulation by financial levy (for example, the HP group of Las Mercedes: what a timely acronym).

Then you have to explain the basics of Arrighi and Harvey. A friend sums it up like this: “David Harvey’s description of neoliberalism and accumulation by dispossession of this time focuses on ‘the dominant form of accumulation in relation to expanded reproduction’ and takes a wide range of forms: the privatization of land and the forced displacement of peasant populations”; “the conversion of… common, collective, state property rights, etc… into exclusive property rights”.
“The commodification of the labor force and the suppression of alternative forms of production and consumption”.
“The monetization of exchange and taxation, particularly of land”.
The reduction of “entire populations to debt peonage.”
“The dispossession of assets by credit and stock market manipulation”.
“The patenting and licensing of genetic material, seed plasma and all kinds of products.”
The “purchase” of assets that have been devalued by the crisis “at liquidation prices”, the crises being “orchestrated, managed and controlled to rationalize the system” to “allow accumulation by dispossession to occur without triggering a general crisis”.
“The setback of regulatory frameworks designed to protect work”.
Harvey’s list includes a variety of unpleasant features of contemporary capitalism. But simply describing them as “dispossession” does not explain the current stage of the system. “Dispossession” is simply a long word that means theft. End of quote.

This is what the elites you represent do, Mr. Dark-haired Carmania. Check out the full story. But he can not.

Let’s recap. Be careful, we are not talking about all Protestants, who have their rights guaranteed. We are talking about the Calvinists who support the Apartheid regime of Israel; disastrous regime that the Latin American left has always condemned. Zionism globally is an expert in canceling those who think differently. The grave.

England and the Netherlands are the bastions of the Anglo-Zionism, not even the United States. And Trump is a racist nationalist, which does little in his favor. One sees some things in that country that are crazy. The president of Mexico himself has warned. In the political class of the United States, the Republicans dream of invading the Latin American countries for a new “Transcontinentality”. The excuse is the drugs that they themselves consume and the urgent need that they have to preserve the hegemony of the dollar.
They are also thirsty for oil. The situation in the United States is serious. This is today’s time, dark-haired Guanipa. There are two currents that dominate today’s politics. Globalists or patriots. We must rest with the nation. Venezuela, what is our turn? That is patriotism. Coincidence, but an opportunity to say once more: April 19, 1810 served, as in other cities of the then Spanish empire, for pronouncements in favor of defending the rights of Fernando Septimo. There was no declaration of independence, as is still erroneously repeated in the media. Of course, a process was opened that ended in independence in the course of the following years.

This still teaches a lot. Latin American politicians who have not realized the end of globalization. Or in any case; that the globalist elites are trying to save their piece of the imperial pie, whatever. And that is where we Venezuelans must distance ourselves from any globalist vision, from UNization, from Vatican meddling and from the tales of climate change that feeds on legends condemning oil; What do we have.

We still see condemnations of synthetic fiber in the public media because it supposedly pollutes. Let it be collected and recycled. But petrochemicals is our immediate future, if we promote it.

This dilemmatic tradition of ours is reproduced in this time, which is a fracture of the imperial model. Why come to the aid of the United States, which incidentally wants to buy cheap or take away our resources?

Everything indicates that the globalist elites, including the United States, want energy and currency monopolies. With a dream, they control the resource reserves of other countries. We must say No. No to imperialism, no to Zionism. No to hypocrisy in the United Nations Organization. Out with the colonialists of America. Long live the Republic and the Nation. That is what must be taught.

Mr. Guanipa and all that pro-United States-Israel opposition acted like the colonial oligarchs in 1810, as Estanislao del Campo Wilson collected in his book Emancipation and Independence of Argentina. “We must,” it was generally said then, “preserve ourselves from the fact that the Spaniards, in a hurry for Napoleon, negotiate with him for his well-being at our expense, making us the wedding turkey.” Eye. You are bald, dark-haired Guanipa, don’t take advantage of it, Mr. Petro. We must be clear about one thing: we cannot allow our tragedies to serve as turbulent currents for the profits of fishermen like Petro or of any other country. Revolutions are certainly complex. In the events of 1810 in Argentina there is a valid lesson for us. Estanislao del Campo Wilson teaches it: “There is no doubt that in the May movement not everyone thought exactly the same.” Damn, this reminds me of old Miquilena.

Let’s continue reading: “Revolutionary events have the virtue – if it is appropriate to describe an attitude that is not lacking in any political movement of that nature – of bringing together wills that have little or no affinity with each other. The explanation is quite simple. For the concretion of the revolutionary facts, people whose participation is due to different reasons, with also different objectives, concur. The only survey point of these vital coordinates are the revolutionary facts. Afterwards, each of them tries to handle the consequences. That is why the immediate disorder to the revolutions”. End of quote.

We still have opportunity to learn and correct. Miquilena, CIA agents, French, Spanish, English, West Indian, Dutch, all want to get their hands on this sancocho. We have heard that Petro’s ambassador in Caracas, Benedetti, is a descendant of those Carupan Corsicans who made money in the time of Juan Vicente Gómez. When Gómez fell, they fled to Colombia. And almost a century later this offspring appears. You have to find out. But there is never a lack of pods. That sheath. Sheath? Vaina was the one that English added to French, my grandmother used to say. And she was right, because the world is full of pod casters. It is important to keep them away. Then do not say, oh I did not know.

My grandmother from Irapa did not go to school and she was wise. She did not read Picón Salas or Samuel Dario Maldonado. But she knew. Abundance in the house of the poor does not last long. Fed up for a day, hungry for a lifetime. Here we are. And see as an example. I’m sorry to tell you. We are an incoherent nation. Believe in Petro? Wow. We even changed the techno-productive pattern and fell into the story of decarbonization and the end of oil. How irresponsible before a whole town, that today suffers and waits, as always. Having the largest oil reserves in the world.

THE AUTHOR is a writer and journalist graduated from the Central University of Venezuela, lecturer and analyst International from Telesur TV.

#Patriots #globalists #Opinion #Julián #Rivas

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