Pavlos Polakis: Remains on SYRIZA ballot papers – Economou: 17 days were enough for polarization to return

by time news

And officially, Pavlos Polakis will be on the ballot papers of SYRIZA in the upcoming elections. According to information, the above was unanimously decided by the Political Secretariat of the official opposition party, which was completed a while ago.

Earlier, the way for the return of Pavlos Polakis to the ballots of SYRIZA-PS was shown by the president of the party, Alexis Tsipras, with his suggestion during the meeting of the Political Secretariat of the main opposition party, after the letter of “repentance” of the former Deputy Minister of Health.

“Today the agenda did not include the issues of our internal operation. Comrade Polakis’ letter, however, invites us to discuss them. It forces us, I would say, to reassess our original intentions, because it is indeed a letter of brave self-criticism” said Alexis Tsipras.

“And despite the fact that self-criticism is an integral part of the party function of the left, we don’t see it often. And this is indeed an act of political responsibility. However, what we have to agree on is not so much the procedural but the essential” continued Alexis Tsipras.

“In order to win the elections, it is not enough to aim to convince only our electoral audiences. And draw our supporters from the same pool of voters. In order to win the elections, we must also win over those who are critical of us,” he said.

“And this world is not convinced either with shouts or with toxicity, but with arguments and sober political discourse. So this is worth coming to an agreement on. Can those of us who are fighting on the front lines from now on issue a unified, composed, sober and thorough political speech?” write down.

Yannis Economou: 17 days were enough for polarization to return to Tsipras’s words even about Tempi

Alexis Tsipras’s statement of “brave self-criticism” regarding Pavlos Polakis’ letter of “repentance” and re-evaluation of the intentions for the former deputy health minister’s non-participation in the SYRIZA ballots provoked reactions in the government. “17 days were enough for polarization to return (for now) to the rhetoric, style, content and words of Mr. Tsipras, even for such a tragedy,” says government spokesman Yannis Oikonomou.

“With lies and populism, with slander and inaccuracies. From those who embrace the deep state of old syndicalism and react to every attempt at reform and evaluation, we don’t expect anything different from “everyone else is to blame except SYRIZA”, continues Mr. Economou.

“In the face of the ungrateful confrontation over a tragic event that they unrepentantly pursue, we insist: no cover-up, safe restart of the trains, reconstruction of the railways” concludes the government representative Yiannis Oikonomou.

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