A total of 71,862,588 euros to 78,634 beneficiaries will be paid between September 16 and 20, as part of the scheduled payments of e-EFKA and her Public Employment Service.

Specifically from e-EFKA:

  • On September 16, 157,084 euros will be paid to 132 beneficiaries for cash benefits from OAEE.
  • On September 20, 12,505,504 euros will be paid to 24,712 beneficiaries for other cash benefits (maternity, pregnancy, sickness, accident, funeral expenses).
  • From September 16 to 20, 15,000,000 euros will be paid to 750 beneficiaries following the issuance of one-off decisions.

The following payments will be made by DYPA:

  • 20,000,000 euros to 33,000 beneficiaries for the payment of unemployment benefits and other benefits.
  • 700,000 euros to 1,000 mothers for subsidized maternity leave.
  • 20,000,000 euros to 19,000 beneficiaries under subsidized employment programs.
  • 3,500,000 euros to 40 beneficiaries of the “My Home” program.
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