Pd and M5s find an agreement for Naples. Covered card by the Brothers of Italy for Rome

by time news

Time.news – The Pd and the 5 star movement make a pace ahead in the alliance in Naples, with the satisfaction of Luigi Di Maio and of Andrea Orlando that promote the axis in the Campania capital. Now it will aim at the candidate who could be the former minister Manfredi.

The alliance between Pd and M5s in the next local elections “I think it must be the perspective and not as an occasional issue, where there are no insurmountable obstacles also determined by the administrative history of individual cities “, says the Minister of Labor. “After months of meetings on the territory, after listening to the world of business and civil society, in Naples we sealed an ambitious pact for the next administrative. The Movement and the Democratic Party will run together, starting from the themes and listening to the citizens. Now let’s go on, let’s choose a valid name for the city of Naples “, said Minister Di Maio in a statement.

On the ‘Rome case’ sink the knife Matteo Renzi: “The Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement – observes the leader of Iv – they have been talking about an agreement for months but they are unable to do so. And Rome is the symbol of this failure “ Carlo Calenda ‘promotes’ the hypothesis of a candidacy in the capital of the Italian senator Gasparri for the center-right. The lawyer’s name is also circulating Giulia Bongiorno. “It would be a good candidacy”, explains a ‘big’ from Fratelli d’Italia. But actually the former minister shouldn’t be in the game.

Fdi, parliamentary sources report, has a card ready to throw on the table on Wednesday. A name that – explain the same sources – could find the convergence of the other parties in the coalition. “Sara a surprise. We cannot do it so as not to burn it ”, he adds. But in the meantime above all Lega and FI do not abandon the Bertolaso ​​track, even if the former number one of the Civil Protection has made it known that he does not want to take the field. “On Bertolaso ​​in Rome I am convinced that we can still work, I am confident. Come on Milano, after Albertini’s no, we will see, there are so many names. We will find the best possible candidate. Wolves? It’s a good name, “” explained the Fi coordinator Antonio Tajani. Yet not closed, therefore, the match regarding Milan.


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