PDI Arrests 12 People in Vapor Lab Operation Linked to Criminal Organization in Santiago

by time news

Investigative Police (PDI) achieved by Cerrillos and Estación Central, in a joint operation with the North Central Prosecutor’s Office to disrupt vapor laboratories arrest of 12 people is linked to a criminal organization dedicated to Production and marketing of liquid THC called cannabis “rosin” in the metropolitan area.

According to PDI, those involved They operated through “groshop” type frontage stores. in Santiago and Zuñoa, from where they distributed drugs throughout the country.

Thus, during the investigation, detectives of the Criminal Investigation Brigade (BIKRIM) identified the existence of these shops Cannabis resin will be sold in syringes and “vapor” type electronic cigarette cartridges,

In addition, marijuana plants and hallucinogenic mushrooms were also grown in these places. “It was possible to discover and establish a criminal structure dedicated to the detention, production and distribution of drugs,” the subprefect said. Victor VelasquezDeputy Chief of Bikrim Cerrillos.

12 houses searched

The operation culminated with the simultaneous invasion of 12 homes in various communities of the metropolitan area, resulting in arrest of 12 people: Ten of Chilean nationality; one Peruvian and one Colombian.

they were all Charged with illegal drug trafficking and violation of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives Law“What we discovered was a criminal group made up of 12 people,” Velásquez said.

They confiscate a variety of drugs and paraphernalia from “vapers” laboratories

In total, officers seized a variety of drugs and related paraphernalia: 607 boxes of cannabis vaporizers; 56 bottles of liquid cannabis; 41 cartridges of liquid cannabis; 2,256 grams of bulk cannabis; 4,700 grams of liquid “rosin” type cannabis; 39,130 ​​grams of hallucinogenic mushrooms; 39 cannabis plants; and dosage elements.

“In one of the ‘groshops’ that were raided, specifically in the commune of Ñuñoa, it was possible to discover that it was dedicated not only to the sale of elements for growing cannabis, but also It was set up as a secret resin production laboratory.Velasquez explained.

As indicated by the Civil Police, growshops operate as facades, facilitating the production and distribution of THC available in vaporizers.

Similarly, PDI also elaborated that Three blank weapons were seized, two of which were adapted for live fire; ammunition of various calibers; and more than 12 million pesos in cash.

The total amount seized was valued at approximately $500 million.,

International shipment of drugs to “Vapor” laboratories

In addition to the local operation, drug shipments from Canada and Colombia were identified in Santiago and other areas of the country, illustrating the breadth and sophistication of the criminal network.

“During the investigation, we detected shipments from Canada, Colombia and Santiago to different areas of the country,” the subprefect commented.

The detainees remained at the disposal of the relevant court for hearings to control their custody.

Records of “Operation Weapons”:

Awarded to BBCL
Awarded to BBCL

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