Peak written history

by time news

I hope you have a trumpet player on duty who can come and shout triumphant cheers on the occasion of the historic moments that will be raised in this column.

Let’s start with last week’s highlight, US President Joe Biden’s visit. .

Prime Minister Lapid and President Biden have signed an agreement in which the United States declares its commitment to the security of the State of Israel. .

The historic statement also speaks of the denial of nuclear weapons from Iran. Whenever Netanyahu warned of the Iranian existential threat, he was accused of hysteria and election propaganda. When Lapid talks about it, it’s historic.

“At any given moment, Israel must be strong, free and secure, with a powerful army that knows how to protect our citizens,” said Transitional Prime Minister Yair Lapid. This is the man who promised Secretary of State Anthony Blinken “zero surprises” on the part of Israel on the Iranian front, so it is not clear how it gets along with “strong, free and secure.”

“They want to destroy the only country that has Jews in the world. It can never happen,” continued Lapid, who recently attributed anti-Semitism to slave traders, tribes in Rwanda, Muslims who murdered Muslims, ISIS, Boko Haram and those who did not.

“The only way to stop it is to put a credible military threat on the table,” Lapid quoted Netanyahu’s exact words. “From here, from Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel,” Lapid said, allowing Biden to visit the east of the city without any Israeli representative, thus giving the signal for its division.

The declaration also includes reference to the Palestinians and the two-state solution. The Palestinians who were taken off the negotiating table by Netanyahu are returning to the center of the stage thanks to Bennett and Lapid.

One manifestation of the irrelevance of the Palestinians was the signing of the Abrahamic Agreements without any mention of the “conflict” or a demand for any anchoring of rights. This history has also been rewritten.

After the torch Announced Because in Sde Boker “everything started”, a few days ago he claimed that in fact everything started when Joshua ben Nun crossed the Jordan. I could have mistakenly thought that the historian Lapid had not heard of our ancestor Abraham but then I remembered How he explained To us that it all actually started with a wrong quote of God’s words to him.

Remember Energy Minister Karin Elharar who one day announced the cessation of natural gas exploration in an irrational move? After half a year and in the midst of a global energy crisis it has completely reversed the decision and now supports the search.

torch Tweet: “Energy history! Israel will export blue and white natural gas to the European Union. Congratulates the Minister of Energy.” history. Just hesitate to mention that the gas has been flowing from Israel to Egypt and from there to Europe for at least two years, As he explained Former Minister Yuval Steinitz.

Minister Merav Michaeli, whose only achievement so far has been to raise the temperature in the train cars, is also forced to attribute credits to others.

This week it solemnly announced: “Now it is official. Israeli flights will be allowed over the skies of Saudi Arabia. An important step that will make it possible to significantly shorten flight times and reduce the prices of flights from Israel to the east.”

history? Rewritten history. Former Prime Minister Netanyahu Mentioned Because already two years ago he laid the foundations for normalization with Saudi Arabia when direct flights to Dubai and Abu Dhabi were possible over Saudi Arabia.

At the current rate of appropriation of credits, not to mention their theft, it is not inconceivable that we will soon see Yair Lapid sign a peace agreement with Egypt, followed by a peace agreement with Jordan. Historical agreements. Trumpet cheers.

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