Pedro Sánchez accuses Alberto Núñez Feijóo of “approaching Vox” with his abstention in the motion of no confidence

by time news

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez and the leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez FeijóoThey do not hide their attitude on the motion of no confidence that will be debated this week. Sánchez has accused Feijóo of “approaching Vox” with the abstention that the popular have announced in the motion of censure, compared to the position that he maintained his predecessor, Pablo Casado.

“Relations between the right and the extreme right have not been the same for a year. From the collision in Casado’s time we have gone to collusion in Feijóo’s time”, he added during his speech at the PSOE Federal Committee.

The leader of the Executive has thus referred to the change in position of the PP, which voted against the motion of censure raised by Vox more than two years ago and will refrain in which the Congress of Deputies will be debated on March 21 and 22.

Alternative: early elections

Sánchez has criticized that the PP pose as alternative early elections “in the midst of the hubbub and confusion of proposals, counterproposals that are leaked to the media, programs that come and go, candidates removed and put.”

“Why are they so desperate to put an end to the legislature? They are attacked because there is a government that governs for the majority and that does not bow to the powerful,” he said. In his opinion, one of the big changes in this motion compared to 2020 is that what Feijóo has done is “get closer to Vox”.

Sánchez has said that another change is that in the motion that will be debated from Tuesday “the leader of the extreme right does not show his face and presents an interposed candidate”, alluding to the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and the economist Ramón Tamames.

and has asked to do a exercise in “political fiction” and imagine what would have happened if the motion of no confidence in 2020 had prospered. In response, he has indicated that the labor reform had not gone ahead, nor had the minimum interprofessional wage or scholarships, among others, been raised.

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