Pedro Sánchez arrives in Kyiv where he will meet Zelenski on the eve of the first anniversary of the invasion

by time news

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezjust arrived in the capital ucraniana, Kyiv. There he will hold a meeting with President Volodimir Zelenski, on the eve of the first anniversary of the Russo-Ukrainian war. He will deliver a speech before the Ukrainian Parliament and will honor the memory of the fallen in the war with a floral offering.

He is not the only president of the Government to visit the country the week that marks the first anniversary of the invasion by Russia. He has also been the president of the United States, Joe Biden and the head of the Italian Government, Giorgia Meloni.

The Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Ukrainian ambassador in Madrid and the Spanish ambassador in Ukraine awaited the head of the Executive upon his arrival at the train station. From there has moved to Bucha and Irpín, where Russian troops committed abuses classified as war crimes by the international community.

“I return to Kyiv a year after the start of the war. We will stand by Ukraine and its people until peace returns to Europe“Wrote the socialist leader on Twitter with a video in which he is seen arriving at a train station.

It’s about your second trip to Ukraine in less than a year. It comes just one day before the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, on February 24. On February 21, 2022, he traveled to the Ukrainian capital for the first time to hold a meeting with Zelensky, where he took the opportunity to convey his support and solidarity.

Spain will send six Leopards to Ukraine

The trip takes place when the Defense Minister, Daisy Robles, announces the shipment of six Leopard 2A4 tanks to Ukraine. The minister assures that they are being repaired and does not rule out that more will be sent if necessary.

“Our forecasts are that at the end of March or beginning of April these six Leopards will be able to go, that they will be integrated into a battalion with other countries and that we can also give them already with the trained crews,” explained Minister Robles. Spain trains 55 Ukrainian soldiers, 40 in handling tanks as crews and 10 in their maintenance.

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