Pedro Sánchez defines himself as “a clean politician” and denies a change of position on the Sahara

by time news

2023-07-04 15:12:54

Next Monday, July 10, the face-to-face between the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, and the opposition leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will take place at Atresmedia. Sánchez has decided in recent weeks to attend numerous interviews to defend his government and ask for a progressive vote after the latest polls show the Popular Party as the party with the most votes in the 23-J elections. The President of the Government has defined himself this Tuesday as “a clean politician” and has denied a change of position of the Executive on Western Sahara.

Sánchez criticized in an interview on ‘El programa de Ana Rosa’ that the “conservative” media raised a “sibelous argument” about his position with the Sahara. He has also regretted that Núñez Feijóo has questioned what is on his mobile phone. “The problem is that they have nothing against me because I am a clean politician. I am not perfect, but I am clean. To try to do harm and continue to inflate the ‘sanchismo’ bubble, they use to see what Sánchez has on his mobile or what his wife is involved in a drug trafficking network in Morocco,” he commented.

In this sense, he has compared his government with that of Mariano Rajoy. In 2018 he presented and won a motion of no confidence after the Gürtel plot. “There was a serious problem with corruption by a party that was sentenced for a case of irregular financing and for creating a parapolice to hinder corruption cases that affected the PP. The conduct of this government is blameless,” defends the chief executive .

For Sánchez, in the general elections on July 23 there are two options: “either a progressive government or an ultra-right government” of the Popular Party and Vox. Referring to what is on his mobile phone, the President commented that another Prime Minister, in reference to Mariano Rajoy, “had real problems with his mobile phone and its messages” since “he sent an SMS in support of a corrupt man like It was Barcenas”.

The Government’s position with Western Sahara

In March 2022, Spain supported for the first time that Western Sahara be an autonomous province of Morocco. This was announced by the Moroccan Royal House in a statement published by local media: “Spain considers the Moroccan autonomy initiative as the most serious, realistic and credible basis for resolving the dispute.” Historically, Spain had aligned itself with the United Nations resolutions to seek a solution regarding the territory and avoided supporting Morocco.

Sánchez denies a change of course and defends that it is the same approach that Spain maintained with his predecessors Mariano Rajoy (PP) and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (PSOE). After being asked about this change, the chief executive forcefully remarked: “I deny the biggest one.”

Ensures that PP and Vox will govern together if they need it

During the interview, he did not let the question of the possible PP and Vox pact escape if they were able to govern together. Sánchez says that Feijóo has recently acknowledged that he will have the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and his votes if he needs it, and that they will govern together. “As they say in the series and films of trials in the United States, ‘there are no more questions to ask, your honor,'” he pointed out. “This is what there is, either there is a PSOE government or there is a Feijóo government with Abascal,” added Sánchez.

#Pedro #Sánchez #defines #clean #politician #denies #change #position #Sahara

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