Pedro Sanchez promises a “more solid” relationship with Rabat

by time news

Criticized for ending Spain’s neutrality in Western Sahara, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez defended this shift on Wednesday as necessary to forge a “more solid” relationship with Morocco, a “strategic” ally in the fight against illegal immigration.

The socialist leader chose the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, located on the northern coast of Morocco, to speak for the first time on this subject since the announcement on Friday of Spain’s support for the Moroccan autonomy proposal for the former Spanish colony.

“We are putting an end to a” diplomatic crisis with Rabat, but “the most important thing is that we are laying the foundations for a much more solid, much stronger relationship with the Kingdom of Morocco,” Mr. Sanchez told the press.

“It was not sustainable for Spain to have broken relations” with “a strategic country like Morocco”, added the Prime Minister who is to visit Morocco on a date which has not yet been announced. fixed.

The head of diplomacy José Manuel Albares announced for his part on Wednesday that he would go to Rabat on April 1st.

Caused by the reception in Spain in April of the leader of the Sahrawi separatists of the Polisario Front, to be treated there for Covid, the quarrel between Rabat and Madrid had led to the arrival in mid-May of more than 10,000 migrants in Ceuta thanks to loosening of controls on the Moroccan side.

Madrid then denounced “blackmail” and “aggression” on the part of Rabat, which for its part recalled its ambassador to Spain, who only returned there on Sunday.

The conflict in Western Sahara, a vast desert territory rich in phosphates and with waters full of fish, has pitted Morocco against the Polisario Front, supported by Algiers, since the departure of the Spaniards in 1975.

Rabat, which controls nearly 80% of this territory, proposes an autonomy plan under its sovereignty while the Polisario calls for a self-determination referendum, planned when signing a ceasefire in 1991 but never materialized.

Displaying its neutrality so far, Madrid publicly announced on Friday its support for the Moroccan autonomy plan which it now considers “the most serious, realistic and credible basis for the resolution of this dispute”. A gesture expected by Rabat to end the crisis.

Denouncing a “turnaround”, Algiers recalled its ambassador to Spain on Saturday. Mr. Sanchez promised on Wednesday to “do everything to restore unfortunately damaged diplomatic relations” with one of Spain’s main gas suppliers.

– “Indispensable” in the control of illegal immigration –

This turn has provoked deep differences within the ruling coalition in Spain, the radical left party Podemos, favorable to the self-determination of the Sahrawis, having denounced the “inconsistency” of Mr. Sanchez, who was also criticized by other left-wing formations and by the right-wing opposition.

Star actor Javier Bardem added his voice to the criticism by accusing, in an open letter, the Prime Minister of having given in to “blackmail” from Rabat.

The government has only “deepen the position already expressed by other Spanish governments” in the past and “follow the position expressed by other powerful nations” such as “France and Germany”, said Ms. Sanchez.

Central element for Madrid, a “close cooperation” with Rabat is “essential to protect the safety of the Spaniards (…) in the first place (thanks) to the fight against irregular immigration”, underlined for his part Wednesday José Manuel Albares in the Chamber of Deputies.

Morocco, from where most of the migrants leave for Spain, has been regularly accused by many observers of using illegal immigration as a means of pressure on Madrid.

The agreement with Rabat must also guarantee the “territorial integrity” of Spain, added Mr. Sanchez, in an allusion to Ceuta and the other enclave of Melilla, claimed by Rabat which could, according to analysts, accept to at least temporarily mute its claims.

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