Pedro Sánchez will travel to China invited by President Xi Jinping

by time news

Pedro Sánchez will travel to China next week invited by President Xi Jinping. The state visit will take place on the days March 30 and 31as detailed by the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños.

Bolaños stressed that it is an important meeting from an economic and commercial point of view, because Sánchez will take the opportunity to meet with the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Forum, but also because of China’s role “in its possible mediation in the ukrainian war“.

“The weight that Spain and Pedro Sánchez have is unquestionable in the world. It has a key role in its mediation in the war in Ukraine and the visit of the Prime Minister is very important because it highlights the weight of Spain in international relations” , has indicated the head of the Presidency.

The relevant role of Beijing as a mediator

The invitation comes at a key geopolitical moment, with China trying to mediate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In fact, after his recent meeting with Vladimir Putin, the Chinese leader has stated that they have “carefully” studied Moscow’s proposals “to resolve the serious crisis” as soon as possible.

It is not the first time that China and Spain have started talks about the country’s position regarding the invasion. In his last meeting, which took place in November 2022 during the G20 Summit held in Bali, the Prime Minister asked his Chinese counterpart to use his influence over Russia so that Putin put an end to the invasion. from the neighboring country.

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