Pelvic curl and 7 other movements for “peach” buttocks in 15 minutes a day | Health180

by time news

when doing exercise the glutes They are among the areas that we are most interested in working on and shaping. If what you are looking for is an effect “peach”, then SLIDE the MAIN PHOTO and discover the pelvic curl and 7 other movements that strengthen your rear and for which you only require 15 minutes a day.

How many times when trying on a pair of jeans, did you look behind you to make sure everything looked perfect? Let’s not talk about numbers, rather let’s explain what the pelvic curl and why, together with the rest of the movements that you will find in this photo gallery, they are so effective for enlarge your buttocks.

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What are the best exercises for glutes?

And study developed by the University of Wisconsin reveals that to fully challenge the gluteus maximus and a half it is recommended to perform: front plank with hip extension, single extension squat and side plank. On the other hand, to achieve you are round and firm with pomp necessary to exercise that area of ​​the body at least three days a week, alternating other areas.

How to activate the glutes so that they grow?

It would be fantastic if three days after starting the exercise, our buttocks They looked “fluffy”. The truth is that in this period what is happening is that the muscles they begin to activate. To improve the results of this routine we invite you to start with the following:

1- Lie on your stomach, try to put a folded towel under your forehead. The important thing is to keep the cervical area in the best position.

2- Squeeze your abdomen, at the same time that you place your heels together and put your hands on your buttocks to make a connotation. These must remain hard.

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How long does it take to grow the buttocks?

We know the ideal would be a week. However, the body has another rhythm, which is very different from our willpower. In the case of buttocks, the muscle usually slow to grow or strengthen around 6 months. In which in addition to exercise you also have to incorporate food.

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What to eat for breakfast to increase muscle mass?

He exercise is importantbut food is essential. to get those peach Buttocks, The ideal for breakfast is: Greek yogurt with cereals and nuts, oatmeal with nuts, whole wheat bread, cottage cheese with fruit… among much more.

In order not to get bored and start seeing results as soon as possible, here we give you a super routine starting with pelvic curl and continuing with others 7 movements for “peach” buttocks with 15 minutes a day. CLICK on the MAIN PHOTO!

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