Pension law promulgated overnight: opposition denounces a “provocation”

by time news

The reactions do not stop raining, this Saturday morning, following the promulgation of the pension reform. The day after the validation of the main part of the text by the Constitutional Council, the law was published in the Official Journal, while the inter-union had asked “solemnly” President Emmanuel Macron not to promulgate it.

“What they have just practiced is a democratic hold-up”, judged the rebellious François Ruffin on Twitter, accusing the government of having “promulgated their law on pensions in the middle of the night”.

For the president of the LFI group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, the head of state affixed his signature – thus giving the force of text to the reform – in the night because he is “afraid of the people”. The MP also promised that the battle “against retirement at 64” would continue.

On the same social network with the blue bird, the national secretary of Europe Ecology – The Greens, Marine Tondelier judged that the promulgation during the night was a “provocation” and a “new bluster” on the part of Emanuel Macron.

The government defends a “logical” follow-up

“3:28 in the morning to promulgate, it is not trivial”, commented for his part the socialist Olivier Faure, on France Inter this Saturday morning. Emmanuel Macron “is in a headlong rush but the French will not let him do it”, insisted the First Secretary of the PS.

Éric Coquerel goes even harder. “Promulgating a law in the middle of the night is symbolically showing that you are afraid of your actions. (…) That you intend to handle a whole people with whips”, judged the rebellious deputy on France info.

“There is nothing surprising,” thwarted Franck Riester, Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament, on France Inter. “A promulgation is always done in the wake of a decision of the Constitutional Council”, he assured, “it is the logical follow-up”. According to him, “we have reached the end of the democratic process”.

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