Pension plans | This is how inflation affects EPSVs in the Basque Country

by time news

After two record years in which they reached 28,242 million euros in the last twelve months, they have lost 5.34% of their assets

The negative behavior of the markets is also felt in the Voluntary Social Welfare Entities (EPSV), which after two record years in which they reached 28,242 million euros (which represents 36% of GDP) have lost in the last twelve months 5.34% of its assets. According to data from the ESPV Federation of the Basque Country, the figure reached at the end of June this year was 25,997 million, 1,456 below the figure for the first half of last year.

Within this type, the employment EPSVs are the ones that best withstand the type: their assets have fallen by 4.07% (from 14,649 to 14,052 million) while that of individual companies has gone from 12,791 to 11,925, a 6 .78% less. The worst stops in the last year are the associated EPSVs (those created by groups such as professional associations), which drop 8.09%, falling from 21 to 22 million.

This decrease in assets, along with the common downward trend, has also contributed to the 3.45% increase in contributions made (399 million compared to 386) and a decrease in contributions. The contributions made by the members of the individual and employment EPSVs; from 133 to 130 million the former (2.03% less) and 177 to 173 million the latter (2.16% less). In the associates, however, they grew by 14.68%, going from 62,000 to 71,000 euros.

There is also a slight decrease in the number of members of individual companies (in June 2022 there were 641,080 compared to 650,653 on the same date in 2021) and of associates (from 1,446 to 1,418) while, on the other hand, employment They have risen by 3%: at the end of the first quarter they were 641,080, which is 14,757 more than a year ago.

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