Pension reform: Emmanuel Macron will address the French on Monday evening

by time news

Speak up to move forward and try to ease tensions. Emmanuel Macron will address the French on Monday evening, the Élysée announced on Saturday, after the promulgation of the pension reform, still highly contested. According to BFM TVit will be a pre-recorded message.

The “Law of April 14, 2023 on the amending financing of Social Security for 2023”, signed Friday evening by a Head of State in a hurry to move on after the validation of the essentials of the reform by the Constitutional Council, has was published in the Official Journal very early on Saturday.

Emmanuel Macron will speak “in a logic of appeasement”, to “take stock” of the three months of crisis, and “also look at what has advanced alongside pensions”, promised on TF1 the government spokesman , Olivier Véran, citing the drop in unemployment and taxes or the increase in the number of apprentices.

If the President of the Republic intends to quickly relaunch his second five-year term hampered by the social and political crisis, all the unions have expressed their “determination” to continue the fight against the lowering of the legal age to 64, starting with decline an invitation to the Elysée officially received when the law was initialed by Emmanuel Macron.

A sign of “contempt”

The reactions multiplied, this Saturday, while the inter-union – united for three months of protest – had asked “solemnly” to the head of state “not to promulgate the law”. The president had, all the same, the obligation to do so within 15 days following the validation by the Constitutional Council. The boost operated in the night from Friday to Saturday is classic, according to Olivier Dussopt. “We have chosen to enact within 24 hours of the decision, as is the case for all finance laws,” he said on Radio Classique.

The opponents of the reform do not hear it that way. “Wanting to go fast, it looks like provocation”, judged Frédéric Souillot of FO. This flash promulgation is the sign of “contempt” and “febrility”, denounced for his part the number one of the PS Olivier Faure, when the number one of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, and his counterpart of the CGT , Sophie Binet, saw it as a new sign of “contempt”.

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