Pension reform: for Jordan Bardella, “Emmanuel Macron has lost the battle of opinion”

by time news

Only small controversies can get Jordan Bardella out of his lane. Like this information that the mother of Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the National Assembly, is a parliamentary assistant to an RN deputy at the age of 75. He then gets a little annoyed, feels offended and retaliates with the attack.

For the rest, the young boss of the National Rally had completely revised his files before arriving on the set of Sunday in politics on BFMTV. His credo: the alternative, to put an end to it, he promises, with a president who would have failed and a left that would now rhyme with insurrection or even “eco-terrorism”.

The choice of the “irrational”

Terrorism, a word used by the Minister of the Interior himself in the columns of the JDD, when he denounces the “intellectual terrorism” of the left. Jordan Bardella takes up the term but refuses to validate the line of the executive. Emmanuel Macron’s failure was illustrated, he said, in Sainte-Soline. “He lost the battle for opinion and he lost the battle for order,” he explains. It remains to be seen how an RN in power would have prevented these facts from happening. On this point, Jordan Bardella proposes in particular preventive arrests of S files and “de facto” dissolutions of associations, which he distinguishes from “legal” dissolutions.

The battle of opinion would have been lost according to him by the means of communication chosen by several ministers. The MEP cites three examples: the upcoming interview with Marlène Schiappa in Playboy, the interview with the President of the Republic in Pif Gadget… and the interview with Olivier Dussopt with the very serious magazine Têtu, in which the Minister of Work revealed his homosexuality and developed the theme of homophobia. Jordan Bardella, however, did not develop what he criticized for this last interview and the chosen media, leaving it to the French to form an opinion.

The battle of opinion, completes the boss of the RN, would have finally been lost with the “forced passage” denounced on the pension reform. “Emmanuel Macron made an irrational choice,” he laments, adding that he hopes for total censorship of the bill by the Constitutional Council. Failing that, there will remain a solution, he promises: the withdrawal of the text, when “the National Rally will be in power”.

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