Pension reform: François Bayrou wants more education

by time news

François Bayrou, guest this Sunday of the program “BFM Politique”, in partnership with Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui in France, asked the government to do more pedagogy and to “think about improvements” of its text on pensions to convince the French, the majority opposed to the reform according to the polls.

“The arguments have not been clearly given to all French people”, regretted the leader of the MoDem, who finds that his friends of the majority do not insist enough on the fact that the pension system is “subsidized up to more than 30 billion” and that “the situation will deteriorate, between 10 and 15 billion”.

He “does not rule out” a presidential candidacy in 2027

During the parliamentary debate, however, it will be necessary to reflect on “improvements, clarifications on the text”, judged the High Commissioner for Planning, in particular on the question of “financing” of the revaluation of the most modest pensions. François Bayrou, who reiterated his proposal to include an increase in employers’ contributions in the reform, rejected by the government, also pleaded for “a new governance of our pension system” and took as an example the pensions of the private sector, considering that “the Agirc-Arrco unions (had) taken the necessary decisions to balance their system”.

In this same program, François Bayrou refused “to rule out” the possibility of a presidential candidacy in 2027. “I was a candidate too young, we almost realized, in 2007, what was finally done in 2017 with Emmanuel Macron” he planted. “All the countries in the world, without almost any exception, have presidents, either of the same age or older than me, so that’s not the question,” continued the septuagenarian. The question is : do you feel that the vision you have can be useful in a new stage of the country. So without having an obsession, I never exclude anything. »

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