Pension reform: here is the calendar for the next few weeks

by time news

It’s D-Day for the already much criticized pension reform. Elisabeth Borne is due to present this Tuesday at 5.30 p.m. the main lines of her project for the future of the pension system. Even before the details of these announcements are known, a timetable for the next few weeks can already be drawn.

The presentation this Tuesday

At 5:30 p.m., Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne must unveil her reform project to the press. In the process, still on Tuesday, the intersyndicale, made up of the eight main French unions (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Unsa, Solidaires, FSU) and five youth organizations, will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Bourse du travail in Paris to announce a mobilization date if the government maintains its intention to raise the retirement age from 64 to 65.

This Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. on France 2, Elisabeth Borne will defend her reform.

A mobilization the 3rd week of January?

Philippe Martinez, secretary general of the CGT, called last week for there to be “massive and rapid mobilizations from January”. “The first date could be the third week of January,” confirms Céline Verzeletti, CGT Confederal Secretary. “The objective is to start as quickly as possible, because we know that the government will want to go very quickly by skipping the necessary debate in Parliament in the process,” she explains.

Several sources mention Thursday the 19th, stressing the interest also of “drawing” before rebellious France which plans to demonstrate on Saturday the 21st. Other sources mention the 23rd, or even the 24th or the 26th. “A date very quickly can have a blast effect. But it takes time to mobilize, ”weighs another union source.

Several leaders evoke the organization of two or even three major days of mobilization before the February holidays, then the installation in a “harder” movement at the beginning of March.

The parliamentary calendar

  • Presentation to the Council of Ministers on January 23.
  • Debate in committee at the National Assembly from 30 January.
  • Debate in session at the Assembly from 6 February.
  • Between the end of February and the beginning of March, the text will pass to the Senate and the bill will begin its shuttle with the Assembly.

Emmanuel Macron wants the reform to be applied “before the end of the summer”.

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