Pension reform: “I deeply believe that it is unfair”, attacks Marisol Touraine

by time news

She was at the origin of the last pension reform, in 2014. However, Marisol Touraine shoots the one that the Borne government is preparing. The former Minister of Social Affairs under François Hollande judges it “unfair”, because “it weighs on the weakest”, she criticized at the microphone of France Inter on Monday.

While his name comes up regularly in the mouths of ministers, who defend an “acceleration of the Touraine calendar”, the former PS Minister of Social Affairs (2012-2017) had chosen to remain silent. Until Monday. “A pension reform is eminently political, it is a vision of the future, of the unity of the country, of the relationship to work, of social security. And when the law arrives at the National Assembly, I want to tell parliamentarians that they have an immense responsibility”, launched Marisol Touraine.

Because this law, “if it is not changed, risks reinforcing distrust in the country” at a time “marked by extremely strong divisions”, still worries Marisol Touraine. “We need a law that unites, and not a law that risks turning into a passport for far-right populism”, tackles the former minister, now president of the international organization of Unitaid.

For her, this reform is too divisive. “This law divides, because I have the feeling that the flagship measure which is the raising of the legal age to 64 is posed as the totem of reformism, it cannot be that”. From the moment this reform “perceived as unfair and I deeply believe that it is unfair”, then “there is a risk for our country”, she insists.

“Everyone has to contribute a little”

Marisol Touraine believes that the government reform does not involve the wealthiest enough, and even less companies. “On whom will weigh the main effort of the reform? Those who started working early, who didn’t study. I never considered that taxing the richest would be enough to solve the problems”.

“On the other hand, the reform that is proposed lacks contribution from companies, and in particular those who are more affluent, she continues. To guarantee social protection, everyone must contribute a little. It must be the first time that a pension reform does not involve companies. »

The pension reform of the Borne government plans to accelerate the schedule for extending the duration of contributions, advancing to 2027 the requirement of 43 years of contributions for a full pension instead of 2035.

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