Pension reform: large mobilization on January 31 at the SNCF… before new dates in February?

by time news

After a Black Thursday, expect a Black Tuesday on the trains. The four representative unions at SNCF (CGT Cheminots, SUD Rail, Unsa Ferroviaire and CFDT Cheminots) are calling on railway workers to “massively” join the interprofessional strike on Tuesday, January 31. Date of the second demonstration decided by the eight trade union confederations, gathered as rarely to oppose the pension reform, after that of January 19 when 46% of railway workers – spearhead of social movements – had declared themselves strikers.

“We are sticking to the dates decided by the confederations, supports Didier Mathis, secretary general of the UNSA Ferroviaire. Our priority is the success of this mobilization to strengthen the opposition to the government. After consultation with the base, the inter-union railway worker therefore excludes for the moment a tougher social movement within the railway company. During a meeting on January 20, additional mobilization dates were mentioned. Laurent Brun, at the head of the powerful CGT Cheminots, hoped to convince his counterparts to call a strike on February 3 and 4, the first weekend of departure on vacation for zone A.

The idea was rejected by all the other organisations. “We are not going to alienate the population! launches a union source. “The proposals for other dates pose risks to the fight against this reform, insists Thomas Cavel, of the CFDT Cheminots. Union unity at cross-industry level is an extremely powerful lever that must be preserved. »

The dates of February 7 and 8 are circulating

SUD Rail leaned on its side for a strike of 48 hours, on January 30-31. Faced with the refusals of the CFDT and the UNSA, after having consulted their base, SUD Rail prefers to “stand behind the common position” with a call for a large rally on January 31, rather than going it alone the day before.

After this second day of national mobilization, the four unions will meet again to decide what to do next. February 7 and 8 are already circulating as potential dates for a new strike on the rails. “But we remain cautious, we will wait for the decision of the confederations before positioning ourselves, tempers a union source. It is not the reform of pensions for SNCF employees, but for all French people. »

In other sectors, such as energy, the trade unions have already announced a hardening of the mobilization. The oil CGT will apply the principle of a “rise in power”, advocated by the inter-union (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, UNSA, Solidaires, FSU) with a second round scheduled for next week (Thursday 26 and Friday 27 January). Before, no doubt, three full days of mobilization on February 6, 7 and 8.

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