Pension reform: MP LR Aurélien Pradié writes to the tenors of the Senate

by time news

The National Assembly invites itself into the debates of the Senate. The deputy (LR) of Lot Aurélien Pradié wrote this Wednesday, March 8 in the evening to the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, as well as to all the presidents of the political groups of the Luxembourg Palace. In this letter, which Le Parisien – Today in France was able to consult (and available here), the elected right-wing intimate to his fellow senators to take into consideration the question of “long careers”, while they have been since last week and until Sunday, in full examination of the pension bill. And that this subject is about to be examined in their hemicycle.

The question of “long careers” had been one of the points of tension during the debates on the text in the National Assembly. Aurélien Pradié, a self-proclaimed defender of a “popular right” line, felt that it was necessary in the context of the reform to better take into account the careers of those who started working the earliest. And this, so that these workers, often from the working classes, are not the losers of the postponement of the legal age to 64 years. Objective: to ensure that the latter can retire at full rate once their 43 annuities have been contributed.

The Les Républicains party had voted for a motion in the political bureau making this claim its own, and obtained significant progress on the subject from the government. Still, in some cases, some of the “long careers” could still, the reform passed, have to contribute up to 44 annuities. “This lottery, which would give workers who started before the age of 21 different treatment depending on their age at the start of their career, is ubiquitous. Nobody can explain it seriously or justify it politically. Consistency and justice in the treatment of the French are not a detail. It is a fundamental requirement which conditions the adhesion of the workers to a reform and to the social pact ”, writes the deputy of Lot in his letter.

Correct an “injustice” for a cost of around “300 million euros”

While welcoming the “constant desire” of senators “to ensure control of our public accounts”, the 36-year-old elected official affirms that correcting this “injustice” would only cost “around 300 million euros”. “We must add to this the savings produced on end-of-career disability pensions”, continues Aurélien Pradié, affirming that workers who started their career very early are over-represented among these pensions.

Appointed vice-president of the Les Républicains party in mid-January by the new president of the party, Éric Ciotti, Aurélien Pradié was dismissed from his post following his position on the subject during the debate on pensions. He claims to have wanted to defend “to the end” this fight for long careers, also endorsed by his political family; when his critics criticized this same “hardline” and the “protest posture” of a deputy whose ambition had become cumbersome. And this, while LR mainly considered that the progress obtained was more than satisfactory.

The “long careers” have thus shortened that of the deputy of Lot to the position of number two of the party Les Républicains. Without succeeding in starting his desire to do battle with the government or, sometimes, his own political family.

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