Pension reform: the use of 49.3 would be “dangerous”, assures Laurent Berger

by time news

The day after the seventh day of mobilization against the pension reform, a few hours before the Senate adopted the entire text, largely amended, of course, but pushing back the legal retirement age to 64, a new battle announcement: finding a compromise between the National Assembly and the Senate. Knowing its fragility, the government could resort to article 49.3 to ratify its reform. A “dangerous” modality, believes Laurent Berger in an interview with JDDwhich would constitute “a form of democratic vice”.

“The debate did not take place in the National Assembly and it was accelerated in the Senate, whereas the latter is used to going to the end of the texts in a serene atmosphere. In this context, adopting this reform thanks to 49.3 is impossible”, judges the leader of the CFDT.

“No one deigns to receive us! »

“The Prime Minister does not want 49.3. She said it,” he recalls. Going through this procedure to step over the joint joint commission “would obviously not be illegal”. “But when we have reached unprecedented levels of mobilization since the 1990s, and again yesterday more than 1 million people in the streets, I cannot believe that the text passes without a single vote in Parliament”. “That the end of the story is a 49.3 seems incredible and dangerous to me” in view of the opposition to the reform in public opinion, “massive, deep and lasting”.

The general secretary of the union, reputed to be open to discussion, reiterates the “unjust and badly tinkered” reform and reiterates his call for the organization of a referendum on the age of 64. “I still call for reason and dialogue,” he insists.

Judging that the letter by which Emmanuel Macron refused to meet the inter-union is “an arm of honor for social democracy”, Berger warns: “the determination which is expressed in the street”, after seven days of mobilization and ahead of an eighth Wednesday, “is turning into anger.” “The technos who advise the government believe” that once the text is adopted “people will say to themselves We go to the next sequence. They are wrong “. “If the law is adopted without taking into account the expression of the social movement, we will not find ourselves, the next morning, discussing as if nothing had happened”, he predicts.

“I never condone violence. Afterwards, maybe it will be an unfortunate consequence in the face of the contempt we face. There is a very deep resentment in the world of work,” he warns. And to conclude that “for 284,000 yellow vests, at the height of the mobilization, Emmanuel Macron dropped 13 billion, simply because there had been violence. We are, according to the police, 1.5 million in the street, dignified and without violence, but no one deigns to receive us! The President is sending a dangerous message for democracy. »

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