Pension reform: transport, refineries, garbage collectors… update on mobilization

by time news

The announcement of 49.3 has reignited social anger with blockades and strikes which continue in Paris and in several cities in France against the pension reform. Several union officials in the transport and energy sectors have also warned against possible “excesses” or “individual actions” by rank-and-file employees. Le Parisien takes stock of the main actions carried out this Friday in different sectors.

The Paris ring road partially blocked

Protesters invaded the Paris ring road early Friday morning. They massed briefly on the tracks at the Porte de Clignancourt. Two other “filtering dams” have also been set up at Porte de Montreuil and Porte d’Italie, at the request of the CGT Paris.

This action was claimed by the CGT Paris: “Against the blockages of the government, the points of blockage are multiplying”, she indicates in a press release. The Departmental Union of the CGT of Paris says it is “determined to multiply strikes in companies” recalling that the next day of inter-union mobilization will take place on Thursday March 23.

Roadblocks in several regions

Several blockages have taken place in Brittany against the pension reform. In Rennes, demonstrators installed garbage cans at a roundabout, blocking traffic until 9 a.m., indicates Ouest-France. The unions are also calling for a demonstration from 11 a.m. in the center of Rennes on the usual route.

In Brest, demonstrators also block roundabouts, north of the city, according to France Bleu. A filtering dam is also underway on the two lanes of the national 24 between Rennes and Lorient, specifies the site of the local radio. Another disturbance, filter dams are also in place in Bourges and Vierzon, in the Cher. Roadblocks still stand in the Ardennes, especially on the A34, and in the Marne.


In Île-de-France, the RATP plans for this Friday normal traffic for metros, buses and trams but the service will remain disrupted on line B and D of the RER (with one train out of 2 and 3 trains out of 5). Similarly, disruptions are to be noted on certain TGV lines: it takes 2 trains out of 3 on average on the TGV Inoui and Ouigo network. Disruptions are to be expected in public transport in other cities in France. Thus in Clermont-Ferrand, no tram or bus runs, because of the strike of the employees.

Shares in refineries

The TotalEnergies refinery in Normandy, where employees are on strike but where shipments continue, “will be stopped” from this weekend, has already announced Éric Sellini, CGT coordinator within the oil group. “The employees have raised their voices” and “the main units will start stopping from tomorrow” so that “normally, the refinery will be stopped this weekend or Monday at the latest”, he said. it detailed.

In addition, the Donges, La Mède and Esso refineries in Fos-sur-Mer are still on strike, added the CGT representative. In Fos, “deliveries are made sporadically”, he added to France Bleu.

Garbage collectors still mobilized

The requisitions of the Parisian garbage collectors on strike began this Friday morning. “As of today, this morning, this requisition is working and makes it possible to collect these trash cans,” said Gérald Darmanin on RTL. At the same time, the CGT’s “waste treatment” sector has agreed to extend the strike until “at least until Monday, March 20. »

Blockages in certain regions continue, as in the agglomeration of Saint-Brieuc, in the Côtes-d’Armor. Garbage collectors have been blocking the waste technical center in Ploufragan since 5 a.m. this Friday.

Blocked schools

High schools are also blocked this Friday morning, as in Clermont-Ferrand, according to France Bleu. Also in Lille, students have installed a filtering dam on the Pont de Bois campus of the University of Lille. The dean sent an email to all students to announce the closure of the site for the day. Classes have been postponed.

The energy sector mobilized

About fifty employees continue since Thursday morning to occupy the EDF factory in Gap in the Hautes-Alpes, to protest against the reform. No vehicle can enter or leave the depot, which is completely blocked, indicates the local channel of BFMTV.

In Seine-Maritime, a filtering dam is organized at the Paluel nuclear power plant, where one in four reactors is shut down, according to France Bleu. Employees of the Penly plant located on the Channel coast, near Dieppe also occupy the plant.

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