Pension reform: what the agreement contains for long careers

by time news

It was the object of all the tensions. But the senators and deputies finally agreed this Wednesday, March 15, during the joint joint committee on pension reform, on a device for long careers. It will be necessary to have 43 annuities with five quarters to leave at an age limit of 58, 60 or 62 years. A device less expensive than what the deputy LR Aurélien Pradié demanded.

Initially, the latter asked that all beneficiaries of the long career scheme (who started working before the age of 21) do not contribute more than 43 annuities, with only one quarter worked in their youth. A measure that “costs between 7 and 10 billion euros. It is unaffordable, ”warned the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, on Saturday during the debates in the Senate. But on the eve of a very uncertain vote in the Assembly, the government intended to send a message to the few hesitant LR deputies…

Some will, in fact, have to contribute longer than 43 annuities

The noise therefore ran Wednesday in the corridors of the Assembly that the government was going to accede to this request in CMP. But it is ultimately not the first Pradié proposal in full that was adopted, but the amendment that his group president, Olivier Marleix, had tabled and that the deputy for Lot had signed.

A device finally retained which is more restrictive. “The idea is that there are 43 annuities for everyone, but respecting age limits (58, 60 or 62 years old) and, with five quarters” worked before a certain age, specified the Macronist Senator Xavier Iacovelli. “The accepted amendment still includes age limits,” confirmed an LR executive. Consequently, some will, in fact, have to contribute longer than 43 annuities depending on their year of birth.

The left-wing parliamentarians estimated that the CMP was only taking up a government proposal, valued at 300 million euros per year, according to LR. And castigate a “scam”. “A third of people with a long career should contribute more” than the 43 annuities, argued Manuel Bompard, coordinator of LFI.

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