Pensions: after the promulgation of the law, Elisabeth Borne “determined to accelerate” the reforms

by time news

Emmanuel Macron’s mandate will not stop at pension reform. Nor Elisabeth Borne’s mission to Matignon. The day after the validation of the essence of the bill by the Constitutional Council, and a few hours after its promulgation, the Prime Minister explained this Saturday that the members of the executive were “determined to accelerate” the reforms after that of the retreats.

“We are determined to accelerate” the reforms after that of pensions, thus assured Elisabeth Borne during a speech delivered before the National Council of the Renaissance party, two days before the speech by Emmanuel Macron. “We want to build France of full employment”, “guarantee equal opportunities”, “act” for health and even education, hammered the Prime Minister.

Elisabeth Borne spoke for the first time since the partial validation of the pension reform by the Constitutional Council, followed by its promulgation by the President of the Republic. “Today there is no winner or loser. There is a difficult reform, I know it. A reform that requires effort from many of our compatriots, I am aware of that. But a reform that takes into account the situations of each. A necessary reform to guarantee the future of our pay-as-you-go system,” declared Élisabeth Borne.

Elisabeth Borne pushes for “overcoming”

After consulting with the political forces at the request of the Head of State, the Prime Minister hinted at a status quo, while the executive lacks an absolute majority in the National Assembly. “I am convinced that if the time is not for coalitions, majorities are possible, project by project, to offer solutions to the French,” she said.

Weakened since the adoption of the reform by 49.3 in the Assembly, after the rejection by only nine votes of a motion of censure against her government, Elisabeth Borne advocated “humility”, “respect”, “attention” for ” to listen to our compatriots”. “To achieve this, I believe in a principle: the overcoming” between the right and the left, “the very identity of our party” Renaissance, she once again reaffirmed.

“Of course, we are going to come up against those who are nostalgic for old divisions, those who prefer to deny themselves rather than build with us, those who sacrifice the interest of the country to go with the wind. But we will never be the camp of renunciation, ”assured the head of government.

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