Pensions: an “unprecedented security device” for this Tuesday with 13,000 police and gendarmes mobilized

by time news

The executive wants to put an end to the excesses. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin launched, at a press conference on Monday evening, an “unprecedented security device” to maintain order and the smooth running of the tenth day of mobilization this Tuesday, March 28.

The tenant of Place Beauvau called “in this period of violence (…) solemnly everyone to calm” and mentioned the possible arrival in Paris on Tuesday of “more than 1,000 radical elements, some of whom came from abroad and from ‘others were present in Sainte-Soline this weekend.

To contain these “very significant risks of disturbing public order”, Gérald Darmanin has therefore deployed an “unprecedented” system throughout the territory made up of 13,000 police officers and gendarmes, including 5,500 in Paris. “90 mobile force units will be deployed tomorrow, a level of mobilization never reached before,” added the Minister of the Interior.

Radicalized elements “from the ultra-left”

The former mayor of Tourcoing also wanted to condemn with “the greatest firmness and without the slightest ambiguity the violence committed against the police” especially since the mobilization day of March 16. Since that date, according to the Ministry of the Interior, 891 police officers and gendarmes have been injured in the context of violent actions, 47 gendarmes were injured last weekend in Deux-Sèvres.

Gérald Darmanin also recalled the damage and violence committed against “sub-prefectures, prefectures, police stations, courts, town halls and political offices”, caused by radicalized elements “from the ultra-left and far left”. “Their objective is to destabilize our republican institutions and to put France on fire and blood,” he concluded.

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