Pensions and retirement: Retirees who receive 2,819 euros of pension per month

by time news

Retired coal mining workers are those who receive the highest benefits from the different Social Security schemes

As of May 1 of this year, 9,918,996 contributory pensions were paid in Spain, which represented a record disbursement of 10,810 million euros, 4.8% more than in the same month of 2021. Of the total number of pensioners, 6,234. 368 million received a retirement pension.

The average amount of this last type of benefit amounted to 1,089 euros. For this calculation, Social Security has taken into account the retirement benefits of the different schemes. But the differences between them are notable, as well as those registered by autonomous communities.

Retirement of the general regime

It is the regime that applies to all employed or assimilated workers in the services and industry sectors. It has 4.52 million retirees who receive an average of 1,404 euros. The highest benefit corresponds to Euskadi with 1,759 euros. It is the only territory where the threshold of 1,700 euros is exceeded.

Self-employed retirement

In Spain there were, as of May 1, 1.32 self-employed pensioners who receive a significantly lower benefit than that of those included in the General Scheme: only 834 euros on average. Again the Basques are the ones who charge the most, very close to 1,000 euros (994 euros).

The reform of the contributions of the self-employed, currently under discussion, seeks precisely to raise the contributions of those who have the most so that their benefits (due to temporary disability, unemployment or retirement) are higher.

Retirement of sea workers

This regime includes a wide spectrum of workers related to the sea: crew members or technicians of the merchant navy, sea fishing, sports or recreational boats, aquaculture workers, divers, netters, etc.

65,961 retirement pensions are paid for these workers, of which nearly half are paid in Galicia. The average amount is 1,392 euros per month. Although curiously the highest are charged in Madrid (1,908 euros), where there are only 746 recipients.

Retirees from coal mining

This includes retirees who have worked as employees, providing their services to companies that carry out a series of activities related to coal mining: open pit extraction, underground mines, coal selection in dumps, researchers, etc.

Basically the benefits of this scheme are the same as those of the general one. They have the same extension, form, terms and conditions, except for some specificities. For example, regarding retirement, they are recognized a reduction in the age of access, although it can never be less than 52 years.

In Spain there are 35,412 recipients, many of them in Asturias (20,158) with an average of 2,448 euros. Less than 400 euros difference from the maximum pension that can be collected this year, which amounts to 2,819 euros. Those from Aragón are the ones who receive the highest average pension, with 2,533 euros.

Retired due to work accident

In this scheme, 54,052 retirement pensions are paid, with an average benefit of 1,323 euros.

Retired due to occupational disease

This benefit is received by 10,489 people with an average amount of 1,746 euros. The highest correspond to Asturias, with 2,284 euros.

SOVI retirees

The Compulsory Old Age and Disability Insurance (SOVI) is, as explained by the Social Security, a “residual” scheme that has already expired that affects those workers who do not have the right to a pension from the current Social Security system, with the exception of pensions from widowhood of which they may be beneficiaries.

The SOVI includes pensions for old age, disability and widowhood. There are currently 220,073 recipients, who earn an average of 420 euros.

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