Pensions and retirement | The aid of 27 euros per child

by time news

Both men and women can request the supplement of between 378 and 1,512 euros per year to compensate for the contribution gaps for having had children

According to February data from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, in Spain there are 282,391 pensioners who receive the gender gap supplement, a plus that allows both mothers (93.3% of cases) and fathersadd between 27 and 108 euros to your monthly payments. This bonus has been recognized since last year to replace the maternity supplement “by demographic contribution” created by the Government of Mariano Rajoy in 2016 for women with two or more children, which was declared discriminatory in 2019 by the Court of Justice of the European Union for both men and mothers with only one child.

Since then, different rulings have recognized several parents the right to receive it and last May the Supreme Court unified criteria, also decreeing the retroactivity of its collection from the date of the event that caused the pension. Thus, it can currently be requested by those who are receiving the retirement pension (early or not), disability or widowhood since January 1, 2016 (when the urinal supplement came into force) or are processing it regardless of their sex, as long as when the required requirements are met.

Requirements to collect the supplement

It is important to underline that in no case can both parents obtain the complement. If both were entitled to it, it would only be awarded to the mother (if it is a heterosexual couple) or to whoever receives the lowest pension if it is a person of the same sex. The right to the supplement is lost if upon retirement (or starting to collect a disability pension) the other member of the couple is the one who is responsible for collecting it.

– Requirements for mothers

While previously only mothers of two or more children (natural or adopted) could request it, now those who have had only one can also request it. To be a beneficiary, a woman must be enrolled in any scheme of the Social Security system and have the right to a contributory pension for retirement, permanent disability or widowhood. In the event that the father’s contribution career has also been affected by the birth or adoption of one of the children, in order for the woman to be able to access the bonus, the amount of her pension must also be less than that perceive the father. On the other hand, the children will have to be registered in the Civil Registry.

– Requirements for parents

In addition to agreeing with women in the obligation that the children must be registered in the Civil Registry and that they must be attached to any scheme of the Social Security system and have the right to request a contributory pension, in the case of males also add these requirements:

– His retirement pension must be less than the one received by the mother.

– Parents of children born or adopted before December 31, 1994 must present contribution gaps of at least four months between the nine prior to the birth or adoption and the three following years.

– For parents of children born or adopted since January 1, 1995, the sum of the contribution bases for the two years following the birth or adoption must be more than 15% less than the sum of the two previous years.

Complement amount

During the first year, the complement amounts to
378 euros per year per child, up to a maximum of four descendants. It is a fixed amount. In other words, regardless of the retirement pension that is received, the complement is always established between 378 euros, in the case of having had a single child, and 1,512 if you have had four or more. In this way, the beneficiaries receive between 27 and 108 euros more in each of the fourteen payments. From the second year on, this fixed amount is revalued each year, just like the pension itself.

Currently, according to the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, of the 282,391 supplemented pensions, 21.2% correspond to pensioners with one child (59,871), who previously did not have access to the maternity supplement; 47.4% to people with two children (133,764); 20.1%, to fathers or mothers with three children (56,799), while with four children there is only 11.3% (31,957).

The supplements that could be recognized in any of the Social Security regimes will be incompatible with each other. It will be paid in the scheme in which the pensioner has more periods of discharge.

For how long is it charged?

The right to recognition of the contributory pension supplement will be maintained until the gender gap in retirement pensions for men and women caused in the previous year is equal to or less than 5%. Currently this indicator is at 25%.

Where is it requested?

Applications must be made to the National Social Security Institute. New pensioners must request it together with the processing of the retirement, disability or widow’s pension. If you have any questions, you can call 901 166 565 or 915 421 176.

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