Pensions: contribution period, long careers, special schemes… what the enacted reform contains

by time news

2023-04-16 15:11:24

What remains of the reform? This Friday, the Elders of the Constitutional Council invalidated six articles of the amending social security financing project. Among them, the “social riders”, deemed unrelated to the financial situation. But the heart of the text has been declared constitutional. The law has already been promulgated and published in the Official Journal this Saturday morning. Overview of the measures that have been retained.

Legal age and contribution period

This was the key point of the reform. The Constitutional Council has validated the raising of the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 by 2030. “The word: sixty-two is replaced by the word: sixty-four », Soberly specifies the text. This change will take place at the rate of one additional quarter per year.

The extension of the contribution period has also been validated. For a full pension, it will thus be necessary to have contributed for 43 years by 2027 and no longer 42 years.

The end of special diets

Also approved, the closure of the main special schemes for future recruits from September 1. This concerns the regimes of the electricity and gas industries (IEG), the Autonomous Paris Transport Authority (RATP), clerks and employees of notaries, the Banque de France and members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE). In these sectors, people employed once the law is implemented will be affiliated to the general scheme.

The independent schemes for the liberal professions and the agricultural schemes, as well as the other special schemes (sailors, Paris Opera and Comédie Française) are not affected by this change.

Revaluation of minimum pensions

Green light also for the revaluation of minimum pensions, both for current and future retirees, by a gross monthly amount “at least equal to 85%” of the minimum wage, or nearly 1,200 euros. Beneficiaries must meet several criteria, in particular having completed a full career, contributing full-time and with remuneration at the level of the minimum wage.

Part-time or short-term careers are therefore excluded. This measure, like the others, will apply from September for future retirees as well as for those who are already retired.

Long careers

The overhaul of “long careers” is also validated. Employees who started working at the age of 16 will be able to retire at the age of 58 in the future. Those who started before the age of 18 will be able to leave from the age of 60 and the limit is set at 63 for those who started before the age of 21.

On the side of civil servants, agents in “active” and “super-active” categories (nurses, nursing assistants, police officers, firefighters, prison guards, etc.), will see the age of opening of their retirement rights reduced by 57 at 59 for the former and from 52 to 54 for the latter.

A bonus for some mothers

Women with children and who have accumulated 43 years of contributions (maternity and child rearing terms included) one year before the legal age of 64, i.e. at 63, will be able to benefit from a pension “surcharge”, which may reach a maximum of 5% at the time of the liquidation of their rights.

The “investment fund” for difficult jobs

The pension reform also includes the establishment of an “investment fund for the prevention of professional wear and tear” within the National Health Insurance Fund. In addition, it will be possible to use your professional prevention account to finance professional retraining leave.

The use of the corrective PLFSS

It is not a measure strictly speaking, but the Sages also granted a blank check on the form. Seized of numerous complaints about the procedure chosen by the government, which used the tools at its disposal to hasten the debates, the Constitutional Council admittedly recognized that their “combined use (…) was of an unusual nature” and that it could have included the reform “in an ordinary law”, but he nevertheless considered that this process “does not in itself disregard any constitutional requirement”.

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