pensions, credit rates, internships, teacher salaries, etc.

by time news

2023-09-01 06:55:33

The first day of this back-to-school month is marked by several changes affecting the personal finances of households. Here are the main ones.

Pension reform begins

It is on September 1 that a large part of the pension reform comes into force. With, in particular, a first step in the application of its flagship measure, the gradual decline in the legal age (the minimum age at which it is possible to leave, in general) from 62 to 64 years old.

Friday September 1, it is raised to 62 years and three months for those born between September 1, 1961 and December 31, 1961. This threshold is destined to be raised then by one quarter per year of birth (to reach 64 years for the 1968 and subsequent generations).

Among the other new features are an increase in the minimum pension (via an increase in the “contributory minimum”), the abolition, for new arrivals, of several special pension schemes (including that of the RATP and the electricity and gas industries), the extension of the progressive retirement system to civil servants, a modification of the rules for combining pensions, etc.

Read also: Pension reform: what impact on the PER?

Increase in pay for teachers

The start of the school year rhymes with higher salaries for teachers, via several measures. The Ministry of National Education explains on his website that the amounts of the monitoring and support allowance (affected in the first degree) and the student monitoring and guidance allowance (for the second degree) will be increased by respectively 1,350 euros gross and 1 294 euros gross per year.

Another novelty, which concerns teachers at the start of their career: “The attractiveness bonus will be extended to the benefit of trainee teachers and increased during the first fifteen years of their career. (…). Thus, all full professors will start their career with a salary of more than 2,000 euros net per month. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Teachers’ salaries: for 70% of teachers, the increases in 2023 will be less than the losses in purchasing power over one year

In addition, the allowance linked to the function of head teacher will be increased for certain classes (first, final and second year of CAP).

Real estate credit: the wear rate

The maximum rate at which banks are allowed to lend money, the “usury rate,” increases again on September 1. It goes from 5.33% (borrower insurance included) to 5.56% for mortgages taken out by households over twenty years or more. It is 5.28% for loans over ten to nineteen years (against 5.12% in August).

Usually reviewed once a quarter, the rate of wear is since February and until the end of the year recalculated each month by the Banque de France, in a derogatory way. It has been constantly increasing since the spring of 2022, due to the rise in loan rates.

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