Pensions: deputy Guedj judges the government’s estimates to be false, Dussopt maintains them

by time news

For him, the minister “lies” on the estimates of the consequences of the pension reform project. The socialist deputy Jérôme Guedj strongly criticized the government on Thursday after having received, during a visit to Social Security, documents and tables of figures on the minimum pension and long careers clearly contradicting, according to him, the estimates advanced by the executive.

The elected official questioned several data put forward by the government, such as the number mentioned by the Minister of Labor on Wednesday of 40,000 pensioners who will pass the milestone of 85% of the minimum wage each year. He also questioned the various budgetary assessments having circulated on long careers and the advances proposed by the Prime Minister. The deputy also wanted to observe how the efforts required by this pension reform will be distributed between men and women, and between social classes.

Following his visit, the MP said that the Social Security Department was unable to define where the figure of 40,000 retirees came from. According to him, the DSS estimates that only 13,300 new retirees will actually benefit from a pension at 1,200 euros, that is to say 1.7% of retirees.

“The Minister adjusts his responses as circumstances change. I can now say that the Minister (of Labour, Editor’s note) is lying,” he castigated after a session of questions to the government on the subject in the National Assembly, adding that “the figure of 40,000 people who will benefit of 100 euros maximum (additional pension, Ed), it will be in 2030. When he is on France Inter and he announces that there are 40,000 people, at no time does he say that it will be in 2030. He says “the reform, as soon as it is applied”, that is to say next year. »

Numbers War

“The second lie is that it doesn’t say the source of his number. The 40,000 people who will benefit from this maximum of 100 euros, that does not mean that they will be at 1,200 euros. You can start from 1,050 euros, and arrive at 1,150 euros, ”continued Jérôme Guedj. “The minister improvises, invents figures”, he assures.

“The 1,200 euros were presented as compensation for the effort, that is to say two more years, for today’s assets. The reality is that they will receive very little, ”lamented the chosen one. “We have 30% of them who will receive a revaluation of less than 30 euros. Half will receive a revaluation of less than 40 euros, and as I speak to you, I still do not know how many people will really receive the 1,200 euros next year. The minister is unable to say, he maintains confusion. »

Asked about this in the National Assembly, the Minister of Labor continued to defend his figure of 40,000 residents whose income will increase. Believing that Jérôme Guedj was asserting “nothing new, nothing new”, Olivier Dussopt indicated that “out of 17 million retirees, 1,800,000 will see their pension revalued thanks to the establishment of the minimum pension. Of this 1.8 million, 900,000 will have a revaluation of between 70 and 80 euros per month”.

Of the 800,000 new retirees arriving each year, 200,000 will have a larger pension than expected “thanks to the minimum pension”, continued Olivier Dussopt. “I said on the radio that in 2030, 40,000 additional pensioners will reach 1,200 euros and I maintain it, just as I maintain that if for the 62 generation, the maximum revaluation, in 2024, it is indeed 13,000 people, you know that for generation 72, it will be 40,000 people. (…) The reality, Mr. Guedj, is that you’ve been losing control for a few days now. »

Jérôme Guedj’s initiative was launched after “repeated requests” from the government for details on the data put forward in its impact study and in the public statements of ministers. Requests that remained, according to the elected, unanswered. As co-chairman of the mission for the evaluation and control of social security financing laws, Jérôme Guedj has investigative powers “on the spot and on the spot”. He also had to go to the National Old Age Insurance Fund on the subject of increases in the duration of insurance for mothers.

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