Pensions, here’s how to retire from work after farewell at Quota 100

by time news

Waiting for the comparison on pensions which could be set in mid-May between the Minister of Labor, Andrea Orlando e CGIL, CISL and UIL to take stock of the social security system post-abandonment of Quota 100, we count on the measure launched in 2019 by the first Conte government: Quota 100 closed with over 9 billion of lower expenditure in the three-year period 2019-2021.

As the Sole 24 Ore, the measure that is about to conclude the race at the end of the year was substantially halved compared to the potential imagined at the time of launch. According to the latest monitoring ofInps, from which it emerges that of the abundant 19 billion allocated by the yellow-green executive for the three years of life of the retirements anticipated with at least 68 years d‘age to 38 of contribution (and net of the “carry-over” effect on subsequent years) to date, eight months after the stop, no more than 10 would have been operationally committed.

Col Recovery Plan (or Pnrr) the Draghi government has made it known since January 1, 2022, over Quota 100, back to the Fornero regime: di vain pension that is at 67 years of age, limit that starts again at grow with life expectancy, or with 42 years and 10 months of contributions (41 for women). The only exception, says the Pnrr: “Measures aimed at categories with tiring jobs”. However, the decision came after days pressing by Cgil, Cisl and Uil who ask Minister Orlando to convene a table on the pension.

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