Pensions: in a letter addressed to Macron, the inter-union fears an “explosive situation”

by time news

They reiterate in a letter their call for a dialogue with the executive. In a letter addressed to the President of the Republic and which Le Parisien was able to consult this Thursday, the heads of the eight interprofessional unions and five student and high school student unions ask to meet him as soon as possible to discuss the pension reform.

“As you know, this project (…) is refused by all the trade union organizations which are asking for its withdrawal”, denounce the leaders of the CGT, the CFDT, FO, the CFE-CGC, the CFTC, the Unsa, In solidarity, the FSU, the Unef, the Fage, the Voix Lycéenne, the FIDL and the MNL, all signatories of the text. A letter that comes while the mobilization is still active, with many disruptions in the transport sector.

The inter-union called for several new days of demonstration, first on March 9 in the direction of youth and student unions, and on March 11 for a new day of mobilization on Saturday to bring together as many people as possible, as this had been the case on February 11. Another day of mobilization is scheduled for March 15, the day of the joint committee at the National Assembly.

The fear of an “explosive situation”

“You and your government remain silent before the expression of this powerful social movement. For our organizations, this lack of response constitutes a serious democratic problem, it inevitably leads to a situation which could become explosive”, criticizes the text. Earlier in the morning, Philippe Martinez (CGT) and Laurent Berger (CFDT) had spoken of the “indifference” and “contempt” shown by the government towards them.

“All the opinion studies show that the population, and especially the working population, are very largely opposed to this reform project. (…) Powerful demonstrations were organized on January 19 and 31, February 7, 11 and 16. The movement of March 7 has confirmed the determination of the world of work, which we represent, to obtain the withdrawal of the project”, continues the inter-union in its letter addressed to Emmanuel Macron, before renewing their wish for a meeting with the Head of State, “in the urgency of this moment”.

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