Pensions: the CGT Pétrole calls for a strike, Borne calls on the unions to “not penalize the French”

by time news

The pension reform presented on Tuesday by the government continues to trigger its share of mobilization announcements. In turn, the CGT Petroleum calls for several days of strikes on January 19 and 26 as well as February 6 to oppose the project and, “if necessary, the cessation” of refining.

The call will lead to “decreases in flow” and “the cessation of shipments”, specified AFP Eric Sellini, national coordinator of the union for TotalEnergies. On February 6, a “renewable strike” will be “proposed to employees “, Indicates the CGT.

“It is through the unity of the employees that we will stop this deeply unjust reform and that we will impose our demands. Let’s meet in the struggles, the tankers will be present! “Wrote the union in a press release.

Eight unions united

After the presentation by the government of its pension reform project on Tuesday, the eight main unions (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Unsa, Solidaires, FSU), called, in an unprecedented unity of action since 12 years old, to a day of strikes and demonstrations on January 19.

They hope that it “gives the start of a powerful mobilization on long-term pensions”.

The government for its part “does not project itself there in the idea of ​​​​a massive mobilization”, said Wednesday the spokesman of the government Olivier Véran at the end of the Council of Ministers.

“There are union movements every time there are reform projects. (…) There will always be people to consider that it is never the right time to reform. I think it is urgent to save our pension system, ”swept this Thursday Gabriel Attal the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts on RMC.

“I appeal to the responsibility of trade unions. We must also be attentive to the daily life of our fellow citizens, find modes of action that do not penalize our fellow citizens, ”pleaded Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

The other unions in the oil sector, CFE-CGC, FO and CFDT, relayed the national appeal of January 19.

A vast mobilization of nearly a month, initiated by the CGT on September 27, with the shutdown of refineries and the blocking of deposits, had caused significant difficulties in fuel supply in France.

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