Pensions: Yaël Braun-Pivet is “not in favor” of a reform by amendment

by time news

A real position. The President of the National Assembly (Renaissance) Yaël Braun-Pivet is “not in favor” of the pension reform, wanted by the government, going through an amendment to the law on the Social Security budget. “The government’s amendments must not in themselves carry a substantial reform”, estimated Yaël Braun-Pivet on France info this Thursday, which calls for a “comprehensive reform which must appear fair to our fellow citizens”.

Several voices against the use of the amendment

Emmanuel Macron hinted at the possibility of passing the pension reform via an amendment, explaining that he wanted an application “from 2023”. But this process does not convince, including within the majority. The president of the MoDem group in the National Assembly, Jean-François Mattéi, reiterated to the Prime Minister the opposition of his deputies to such an amendment, even if he approves “the need for reform”.

“We were elected to act, not to procrastinate”, pleaded for his part the president of the Horizons group at the Palais-Bourbon, Laurent Marcangeli, who will be “at the rendezvous of the reform”.

Last Saturday, in an interview with Le Parisien, François Bayrou, yet a supporter of Emmanuel Macron, explained that he was “opposed to the forced passage” of the reform, which risked “dividing French society”. But, “when the time comes, the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister will decide, both in form and in substance,” warned Franck Riester, the minister responsible for relations with Parliament.

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