People close to Zoabi: “Meets with the cabinet secretary to promote the establishment of the villages”

by time news

MK Jida Rinawi-Zoabi She was interviewed this morning (Friday) here on Monday, and responded to the Foreign Minister’s denial Yair Lapid After claiming that he promised to promote the establishment of an Arab settlement for the residents of two villages in the Galilee who were deported in 1948, Lapid denied it, claiming that “it was not and was not created. It is a hallucination.”

At the same time, sources close to MK Zoabi said that Prime Minister Shalom Shlomo met several times with MK Zoabi in her office and at the Knesset buffet to promote the idea of ​​establishing an Arab settlement for the residents of Ikrit and Baram and to examine options with some right-wing MKs to support the idea.

Zoabi said that “I have been following this issue since January, following Mansour Abbas’ request. If I am delusional and false as Lapid claims, how is it that a month ago he wanted to appoint me as consul in Shanghai?” She also sent a direct message to Torch and said, “Want proof? You should not get me into this situation.”

She went on to say: “I presented to Lapid one demand that I be exempted from supporting laws that are against my conscience, against Arab society. I had one request, to present important issues to Arab society, and it was agreed that we would start working on it.” As for her demand to exempt her from supporting laws that are “against the line of conscience,” Zoabi claimed that Lapid promised that a hearing would be held regarding each law individually.

MK Zoabi was asked if she had received any promise from Lapid or his entourage regarding the implementation of the move: “We started talking about it and then many things unfortunately the rabbi was stopped, smeared, stopped and so on. But it is impossible to say that he did not exist and was not created. “She was also asked whether in her opinion Lapid had made false promises to her and she replied that” I do not know, you can ask him. ”

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