2024-07-15 05:54:00
With banners, slogans and blockades on secondary roads, Residents and activists demanded the reopening of the Gandhi Dog Parkin Polanco, closed due to complaints from residents about barking dogs.
“On July 2 we learned that a judge ordered the park closure because the neighbors here, Rubén Darío, argue that there is a lot of noise, that the dogs bother them… it is a public space “It cannot be closed by 5 or 6 neighbors,” said Raquel, a frequent visitor to the park with her two dogs.
Solitary and with a tape prohibiting access, this is how the Gandhi Dog Park in Polanco looks after the decision to close it due to complaints from a neighbor about noise. 🦮https://t.co/XN1BFklBs4
📸 @Mrcherry_tree pic.twitter.com/1DhLPineD8— @diario24horas (@diario24horas) July 11, 2024
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In the face of the closure of the area, neighbors point out that the park has a veterinarianas well as a Regulations, schedules and assigned walkers.
“There are rules, there are schedules, it’s not like the dogs are there at 5:00 in the morning and we are doing everything possible to make sure the dogs are safe, without disturbing them as much as possible,” Raquel explained.
Following the judge’s suspension, protesters claim that residents have not been willing to help to dialoguehence New blockades are warned to be heard.
“We will continue with the closures for as long as necessary. They have to revoke the suspension because it is a public space, the provisional suspension cannot go against the social interest and as you can see, there are many affected here,” added Antonio, a resident.
In demand for the park’s reopening, protesters blocked roads near Rubén Darío Street in Polanco, next to Paseo de la Reforma.https://t.co/XN1BFklBs4
📹 @Mrcherry_tree pic.twitter.com/2Zm3OAn3dA— @diario24horas (@diario24horas) July 12, 2024
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In the face of the case, authorities of the Chapultepec Forest and of the Mexico City Department of the Environment (Sedema) intervene to reverse the closure of the park.
“Both the management of Chapultepec Forest and the head of the Environment Secretariat herself filed appeals against this suspension…
We hope that with the resolution of this appeal it will be possible revoke the suspension“, reported the environmental inspector, Ricardo de Leon Ortiz.
He also added that due to complaints from neighbors, a regulation was implemented, three pens were adapted, each one depending on the size of the dogs, and a veterinarian was assigned permanently.
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“All of this helps walkers, neighbors and residents to coexist in order to reduce these types of complaints,” he said.
2024-07-15 05:54:00