People who should never drink coffee: you can be one of them

by time news

The scientific evidence around coffee is almost infinite, but it comes to contradict itself in many cases. This is increasingly confusing consumers, but it should be noted that everything has to do with the amount that is drunk daily. As a general rule, moderate coffee consumption – up to three cups a day – could be associated with a lower mortality rate, especially in people over 50 years of age. However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) indicates that the intake of up to 400 mg of caffeine per day does not have harmful effects on health. In this sense, it should be noted that depending on the type of coffee, this amount can be exceeded with only two cups. All these estimates are made on the general healthy population, so there are certain cases in which the effect of coffee can be detrimental. These are the people who should not drink coffee A clear example is that of pregnant women. According to the European body, caffeine intakes from all sources of up to 200 mg per day consumed throughout the day do not have harmful effects on the health of the fetus. However, other studies suggest that beyond this limit the development of the baby may be affected. Related news standard No The essential ingredient for a perfect breakfast according to chef José Andrés LL Beyond coffee and toast: the international chef tells on TikTok what the breakfast he cooks for his family is like Those who have heart problems or high blood pressure They shouldn’t drink coffee either. Since its consumption can worsen these problems and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes due to the caffeine it contains. On the other hand, people taking certain medications can see how coffee intake interacts with some drugs and cause serious side effects. Such as increasing the effects of certain heart or blood pressure medications. People who should reduce coffee consumption In addition, there are certain people who should not drink coffee or should at least reduce their consumption to avoid worsening their symptoms, such as people with gastrointestinal problems . This occurs because coffee is a drink with a low pH, which means that it is a more acidic drink than many others. Therefore, coffee can increase the production of stomach acid and worsen gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers, acid reflux and colitis. People who are sensitive to caffeine should also avoid its consumption or at least reduce it. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine and may experience side effects such as insomnia, nervousness, and rapid heartbeat with caffeine consumption, even in small amounts. Finally, if you have any questions or suffer from any of these problems, it is advisable to speak to a doctor or pharmacist before consuming coffee or any other beverage that contains caffeine.

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