People’s Court of Public Opinion Day 1

by time news

On February 5, the Corona Committee, founded by German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and his colleague Viviana Fisher, launched the People’s Court of Public Opinion. The objective: to reveal evidence of crimes against humanity, whether health, social or economic, committed during the period of the Covid-19 crisis.

In the United States, only district attorneys or state attorneys general have traditionally been empowered to initiate such criminal proceedings. For the organizers, no court of justice having agreed to hear their plea, this Grand Jury, made up of a group of international lawyers and a judge, is intended to serve as a model of procedure with a view to obtaining charges against the leaders, organizers, instigators, accomplices who took part in the formulation and execution of what they consider to be a plan in the service of a financial oligarchy.

This Court of Public Opinion, which wants to be a court of the people, by the people, for the people, is based on natural law. An element developed at the start of the session by Rui Fonseca e Castro, judge of Portuguese nationality. The latter, deploring that the judicial systems, once bastions of fundamental rights and freedoms, no longer fulfill their functions, maintains that “ natural law gives the people the legitimacy to defend fundamental rights and freedoms, in the face of states that have become tyrannical “. And to add: It is therefore in natural law and the unwritten law inherent in the human condition that this tribunal of public opinion finds its legitimacy to initiate the legal proceedings which will begin today. »

This extrajudicial event also has a second objective. It is a question of giving a complete vision of the geopolitical and historical context in which the current crisis is taking place in order to understand the ins and outs. For the Corona Committee, the Covid has been the pretext for the governments of the world under the influence of corrupt and criminal power structures to establish their control over the populations with the intention of hiding the crimes of a financial mafia, perpetrated for several decades if not more.

Vaccination against Covid-19 is unconstitutional under historic case law

One of the key aspects of this crisis has been the injunction to vaccinate, either indirectly through a vaccination pass, or directly through legal texts compelling certain professional categories such as medical personnel to be inject. For Deana Pollard Sacs, author and professor of constitutional law at Texas Southern University, vaccination against Covid-19 is unconstitutional under historical jurisprudence. It recalls a judgment of the Supreme Court dating from 1891 which, in the context of the Botsford affair, anchored medical freedom as an inalienable right of the citizen.

Court decisions that will be reiterated in other legal proceedings over the decades. For example, in 1990, in the case called Cruzan, the Supreme Court basically said that every individual has the right to refuse medical treatment. For Judge Brennan who delivered the judgment, ” Anglo-American law assumes complete autonomy. It follows that each man is considered the master of his own body and that he can, if he is sane, expressly prohibit the execution of a surgical operation intended to save his life or any other treatment medical. »

She also returned to the case law on which the government bases itself to impose a vaccination obligation which dates back to the time when smallpox was rampant and vaccination had been imposed. For the jurist, the argument is unfounded for two main reasons. The first, smallpox killed 60% of people at the time it was raging while the Covid killed less than 1%. Then, unlike these known vaccines which stop infection and transmission, we are dealing here with an experimental substance which does not stop infection or transmission.

Finally, the law in the Jacobson case gave the possibility of paying a payment of 5 dollars in the event of refusal of vaccination, the equivalent of 150 dollars today. A sanction to be compared with that inflicted today where refusing an experimental vaccine amounts to losing one’s livelihood.

“There is no Covid pandemic”

For Reiner Fuellmich, who rose to fame through his victories in high-profile lawsuits against car giant Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank, there is no Covid pandemic. If there is indeed a virus in circulation whose level of danger is equivalent to that of the flu, the Covid crisis is above all ” a PCR testing plandemic, fueled by an elaborate psychological operation aimed at creating a constant state of panic among the world population. »

The lawyer maintains that this project has been planned for a long time by a financial mafia based on Wall Street and the City of London, made up of ultra-rich sociopaths. Their main armed arm to establish their control over governments is the World Economic Forum with, in particular, its Young Global Leader program launched in 1992, the first graduates of which were Angela Merkel and Bill Gates.

According to him, in addition to the massive reduction of the population and the manipulation of the DNA of the remaining population, this oligarchy aims to destroy all forms of independent trade in order to concentrate all the markets in the hands of a handful of multinationals. whose leaders act in cooperation with our governments. It also requires, they argue, the deliberate destruction of democracy, the rule of law, our constitutions, our national and cultural identities so that we instead accept a one world government under the UN. , which is now under their full control. According to the lawyer, the first test bundle of this control project, which today bears the name Great Reset, after the name given to it by Klaus Schwab, dates back to 2009, the year in which the H1N1 flu broke out. hit the world.

A similar discourse was held by Ana Garner for whom the use of screening tests has made it possible to ” fraudulently justify the existence of a pandemic aimed at implementing a narrative of fear and institutionalized discrimination against people who refuse vaccination.

The effectiveness of early treatments masked and censored

Indian lawyer Dipali Ojha emphasized the existence and effectiveness of early treatments to treat patients infected with Covid-19, referring to the prescription of ivermectin in the states of Uttar Pradesh and from Goa to India under a national protocol which has proven to be successful. A success nevertheless silenced by the media, health authorities, social networks and compromised governments who push the vaccine as the only solution to cure Covid-19. However, she argues, these experimental vaccines, in addition to their ineffectiveness on transmission so that the vaccinated are forced to comply with sanitary measures such as wearing a mask and social distancing, cause serious side effects, including death.

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