Peoples of Rio Negro launch a cry against the Temporal Mark with mobilization in the territory and on social networks

by time news

2023-06-01 17:10:00

Marivelton Barroso, CEO of Foirn (center), was at a protest against PL 490 in São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM)|Ana Amélia Hamdan/ISA

Representatives of the 23 peoples of the Rio Negro gave a war cry against Marco Temporal in São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM), the most indigenous city in Brazil, on the day of voting for PL 490 in the Chamber of Deputies.

The demonstration, convened by the Federation of Indigenous Organizations of Rio Negro (FOIRN), took place this Tuesday (05/30) in response to the setbacks to the indigenous and environmental agenda in progress in Congress and also used social networks and political organization in the territory to amplify their voices.

The mobilization took place at Casa do Saber – Maloca da Foirn, in São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM), and brought together indigenous people from the five Foirn coordination offices, ensuring representativeness of the territory of approximately 13 million hectares in one of the most preserved regions of the Amazon.

Present were directors Nildo Fontes, from the Tukano people, Dário Casimiro, from the Baniwa people, and Adão Francisco, from the Baré people.

Indigenous movement from Rio Negro attended the demonstration against the approval of the Temporal Framework in the Chamber|Ana Amélia Hamdan

The mobilization featured banners, posters and multiple voices, and was broadcast live on the foirn nets and for Wayuri Network of Indigenous Communicators.

Director-president of Foirn, Marivelton Barroso, from the Baré people, reinforced that the people of Rio Negro are also mobilized at the grassroots level to take a stand against projects that violate their rights.

“We are not going to accept any proposal or project that comes to exterminate us or that has the ambitious look of exploitation. The Rio Negro region is an example of mobilization and conquests due to its political organization that involves grassroots associations, coordinating bodies and the federation. We are the federation that ensures that the indigenous peoples of the region are heard. Let’s go together against proposals that violate our rights at the municipal, state or federal level, ”he said.

Last year, the peoples of Rio Negro approved the consultation protocol, an instrument to ensure that indigenous peoples are heard on bills or administrative acts that impact their lives.

Funai Regional Coordinator – Rio Negro Coordination, Dadá Baniwa participated in the act, at Foirn. “The struggle is continuous, it is arduous and we will not accept setbacks like the PL 490. We will continue with our struggles, our speech and claims”, she said.

Indigenous women were also mobilized on social media and in person. In a video recorded in the Nheengatu indigenous language, the women’s coordinator, Belmira Melgueiro, from the Baré people, gave a clear message.

“We don’t want to go backwards. You have said many times how we should live. We will not accept any more. No to Timeframe,” she exclaimed. The coordinator of the Foirn Indigenous Women’s Department, Cleocimara Reis, from the Piratapuya people, was also present at the protest.

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