“Peripheral Neuropathy: Exploring Treatment Options and Preventing Complications”

by time news

2023-05-26 13:10:57

Peripheral neuropathy… Means of treatment and reduction of complications

Peripheral neuropathy is a chronic clinical condition that damages the peripheral nervous system. Symptoms of the disease include: numbness of the extremities, in addition to a feeling of tingling and burning in the hands and feet, which negatively and greatly affects the lives of the infected; This disease leads to a weakening of the patient’s physical abilities and insomnia at night.

Nerve disorders or peripheral neuropathy are exacerbated by modern lifestyles, which lead to an increase in the number of people with diabetes, an increase in obesity rates, alcoholism and a deficiency of B vitamins.

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medical symposium

P&G Health organized a virtual symposium entitled “Promoting Awareness of Neuropathy”, as part of the “Put Life Back in Your Hands” campaign, and as part of the celebrations of Neuropathy Awareness Week 2023. ).

At the opening of the symposium, Dr. Tariq Abdel Aziz, General Manager of P&G Health for the Middle East, declared commitment to maintaining leadership in the field of nerve health, and keenness to meet relevant needs, based on the legacy of improving the lives of consumers since a year 1962.

This celebration comes within the framework of community commitment to Neuropathy Awareness Week 2023, by organizing this symposium entitled “Promoting Awareness of Neuropathy” with the participation of a multidisciplinary committee of experts, who discuss their visions and aspirations about the best methods and practices for diagnosing people with the disease, and providing the best integrated treatments, including It contains a series of B vitamins known for its vital role in supporting nerve functions in a healthy and positive way.

More than 6,000 healthcare professionals from Asia, India, the Middle East and Africa participated in the symposium. This distinguished event, which was attended by 8 countries from the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, witnessed meaningful discussions about the latest medical guidelines and research results related to the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral neuropathy (PN), and reducing the growing fears of infection around the world. Your Health attended the event, and the most important facts of this disease and developments in its treatment will be highlighted here.

Peripheral neuropathy

Here are some facts about the spread of the disease:

• 1 in 10 people, and 50 percent of people with diabetes, suffer from peripheral neuropathy (Lancet Neurol 2018; 17). In 2021, there were approximately 393 million people with diabetes in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa regions, and the number is expected to rise to 603 million by 2045 (IDF Diabetes Atlas. 10th edition; 2021).

• About 80 percent of patients with neuropathy are undiagnosed and do not receive the required treatment, and this percentage is similar across different countries of the world. (J Diabetes Investigation 2019; 10).

• Diabetic neuropathy (PN) affects a very high percentage of people with diabetes in Southeast Asia. In some countries, this proportion is nearly 60 percent.

• A study from the Philippines in 2000, conducted as part of the Diabcare-Asia project, reported that 42 percent of diabetic patients had diabetic neuropathy, based on the medical records of 2,708 patients in diabetes treatment centers.

• Peripheral neuropathy affects 34-35 percent of the UAE population with diabetes.

• Saudi Arabia ranks second in the Middle East, and seventh in the world, in terms of the incidence of diabetes. More than 65 percent of diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia suffer from painful symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. (

• In Indonesia, the number of diabetics increased from 10.7 million in 2019 to 19.5 million in 2021, as the country moved from seventh to fifth in the world in terms of the number of diabetics. A Bali study of patients with type 2 diabetes and neuropathy showed, based on electromyography, that 54 percent of subjects had painful diabetic neuropathy (Purwata TE et al. J Pain Res2011; 4).

• In Singapore, the prevalence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy was reported to be 28 per cent, with important risk factors being age, Indian ethnicity, insulin use and diabetic retinopathy.

• Epidemiological studies from India showed a wide prevalence of neuropathy ranging from 5 to 2400 per 10,000 population in various community studies. Estimates of the prevalence of nerve damage in India vary from 13.1 to 45 percent in different population groups, which is attributed to different types of diabetes.

• In Malaysia, 51 per cent of diabetic patients were diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy.

• Pain from peripheral neuropathy often results in decreased work productivity and possible job loss. 59 percent of injured workers reported being less productive at work.

• About 10 percent of the world’s population is affected by neuropathic pain, and 50 percent of them suffer from a lack of access to adequate treatment.

• 1/3 of doctors recognize signs of neuropathy. Undiagnosed cases lead to higher rates of morbidity and death from diabetes. 50 percent of patients do not show symptoms of the disease, which leads to their being undiagnosed and completely losing sensation when exposed to an external injury.

Diagnosis and treatment

On the epidemiology of the disease, Prof. Rainer Freynhagen, Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine at the German Benedict-Tutzing and Wildafing Hospitals, spoke at the symposium. He explained that peripheral neuropathy and pain associated with neurological diseases is widespread across global societies. Doctors deal daily with millions of people around the world who suffer from these diseases, which despite their ease of diagnosis, no integrated treatment is available, especially in the advanced stages. About 10 percent of the world’s population suffers from neuropathic pain, and 50 percent of them face challenges related to lack of access to appropriate treatment. Studies published in various countries confirm that up to 80 percent of cases are not diagnosed and do not receive the necessary treatment.

Regarding early diagnosis and treatment, Dr. Jalal Nafach, Consultant Endocrinologist at Emirates Hospital and Dubai Diabetes Center, said that peripheral neuropathy poses a huge challenge for patients and healthcare professionals alike, as 1 in 10 people suffer from it. And 50 percent of diabetics around the world suffer from neuropathy. It is very important to raise awareness of the problem of peripheral neuropathy and its impact on the lives of individuals. Early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment are essential elements to reduce the negative effects of this disease, and to ensure a healthier and better quality of life for those with symptoms.

Dr. Ankia Coetzee, endocrinologist and professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University and Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, also spoke at the symposium, noting that communication with patients is an exceptional opportunity that provides primary care physicians with the possibility of diagnosing a disease. Neuropathy in a straightforward manner.

Many patients face challenges related to their ability to correctly describe the symptoms they are experiencing, which reinforces the importance of proactive investigation in identifying symptoms of PN neuropathy, such as numbness, burning, tingling or pain that mimics an electric shock. It is easy to perform sensory tests, such as vibration perception testing, pin prick test, monofilament test, etc., which can diagnose the injury and guide the patient to adopt the appropriate treatment within a few minutes, while Laboratory tests help to optimize the diagnosis process.

On increasing awareness of the disease, Dr. Aalok Agrawal, Senior Vice President, Asia, India, Middle East and Africa, said neuropathy and nerve health issues remain undiagnosed and untreated in our region. Through Neuropathy Awareness Week, we are trying to help more people understand and treat peripheral neuropathy and related complications. We will work closely with healthcare professionals, medical organizations, authorities, consumers and patients, to raise awareness through creative online and offline activations, physical screening camps and the use of digital self-examination tools, to bring to life the daily challenges faced by people with PN and highlight the The role of early diagnosis and timely treatment.

disease containment

• A recent study: Dr. Inna Eiberger, Chair of the Excellence Department of the (P&G) International Medical Department for Nerve Health Care, spoke at the symposium, and confirmed that some B vitamins are essential for nerve health. Where you contribute to the process of renewal. Vitamin B1 provides energy to nerves, vitamin B6 helps transmit signals between nerves, and vitamin B12 contributes to nerve regeneration. A laboratory study conducted by P&G Health showed a significant improvement in the health of neurons when transplanting neurons and providing them with vitamins B1, B6 and B12. The study shows the vital role of these vitamins in improving the neurological environment, as their use led to the elongation of nerve cells by 124 percent, and an increase in the total cell body area by 55 percent. The neural network of cells fed with vitamins B1, B6 and B12 also doubled. Laboratory experiments have also shown that B vitamins support the restoration of nerve cells after damage.

Preventing Complications: While keeping blood glucose levels in the target range can prevent peripheral neuropathy from getting worse, there are no treatments that can reverse nerve disease once it has occurred. Once a neuropathy is detected, the focus is on maintaining healthy feet and legs and managing pain. To treat nerve damage. You’ll need to keep your blood glucose levels in the target range, manage pain, and protect your feet. Many people become depressed when they have nerve damage, and they may need medication for depression, in coordination with their physician.

As for medication, medications are available to relieve pain and reduce burning, numbness and tingling. Some are known to be used for other conditions, but they seem to help people with nerve damage.

Finally, in addition to awareness of the increasing number of cases of neuropathy, information should be disseminated about people at risk, the consequences of neuropathy (PN) related to quality of life, and the increased risk of foot ulcers, to encourage early self-referral. It is critical to educate patients about the risks of neuropathy when they are diagnosed.

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