Peritonitis: what is it and what are the warning symptoms?

by time news

We have all experienced pain in the stomach or in another area of ​​the abdomenbut how do you know when it comes to that discomfort or does it have to do with other conditions such as peritonitis. This disease can be confused because the discomforts start in the abdomen area.

What is peritonitis and why does it give

When the thin layer of tissue inside the abdomen (peritoneum)the peritonitis. He is considered a infection caused by fungi or bacteria. The infection must be treated in a timely manner, because otherwise, it spreads throughout the body and can cause death.

The peritonitis is divided into two types:

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Originated by a bacteria. It can occur in a person with liver disease (cirrhosis or kidney disease), patients suffering from cancer, or heart failure.

Secondary peritonitis. It may be caused by a hole inside the abdomen (rupture) or be caused by other conditions.

The treatment for renal insufficiency (peritoneal dialysis) can prevent peritonitis. The peritoneal dialysis consists of removing waste from the blood, mentions Mayo Clinic.

Peritonitis: what is it and what are the warning symptoms? Photo: iStock

Los warning symptoms of peritonitis son:

Pain or abdominal tenderness


Swelling or feeling of “full” abdomen

Threw up

Stomach ache


loss of appetite




decreased urination

Complication to defecate or expel flatulence

What happens if you get peritonitis

He peritoneum it’s a thin tissue that covers most abdominal organs. When there is peritonitisit’s because accumulation of bodily fluids, pooling of blood y pus in the abdomen.

And it gives you peritonitisyou must see a doctor immediatelybecause if it is not treated it can become complicated and be fatal.

He treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the peritonitisbut generally includes administration of intravenous antibiotics that help fight the bacterial infection. If the case is severe, surgery should be performed to clean the infection y protect abdominal organs.

How long can a person with peritonitis live?

Peritonitis: what is it and what are the warning symptoms? Photo: iStock

He time of life depends on several factors: severity of the infection, presence of underlying medical conditions, age, health status, and speed/effectiveness of the treatment provided.

And at disease caught early, the person may make a full recovery. However, in serious casesthe peritonitis can be deadly and take one sepsis y multiple organ failure.

How serious is peritonitis?

Peritonitis: what is it and what are the warning symptoms? Photo: courtesy Gascón Family

It’s a delicate health problemwhich must be attended to as soon as possible.

Unfortunately this disease It can affect at any time in life. Emma Martinez Gascon12 year old girl He died of purulent peritonitis. However, the alerts are turned on because the little girl went to the hospital approximately 4 times because she had severe abdominal pain, vomiting and fever.

It all started on January 29, when the niña began to have fever, threw up, diarrhea y abdominal pain. When taking her to the doctor “My wife asked (the doctor) if it could be appendicitis, but the doctor said it could be ovarian pain, that her first period was going to lower, or a stomach virus.”, commented Ramón Martínez, little Emma’s father.

For February 2 the little girl returned to the emergency room because the inconvenience they were getting stronger. “On Friday night the girl couldn’t walk upright, so first thing Saturday morning I take her to the hospital. (…) We stayed there until five in the afternoon. They did a urinalysis and they listened to her belly, they saw her white tongue, but little else about her. They should have seen that the urinalysis was normal and we went home.”

On Sunday the girl lost consciousness and had a cardiopulmonary arrest. They managed to stabilize her to transfer her to another medical center. However, upon arriving at the Hospital Clínico de Valencia, the minor had died after suffering another cardiorespiratory arrest.

“Emma died of something preventable, after eight days of suffering”their parents point out.

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The peritonitis is a disease delicate that you should not miss. If you present at least one of the symptoms, go to the doctor. In case you are not convinced with the diagnosisSeek another opinion, your life depends on it.

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