Permanent change of course in Macronie

by time news

2023-07-12 13:30:00

EDITORIAL – A certain feverishness seems to appear among our leaders and more particularly at the head of the executive, in view of its recent multiple changes of direction. Macronie is making 180 degree turns in its communication and this has been observed in the Nahel affair.

Indeed, while our dear leaders are generally accustomed to defending police officers who are implicated for shots fired after refusal to comply, Emmanuel Macron, Élisabeth Borne and Gérald Darmanin all three quickly nailed to the media pillory the policeman who opened fire on Nahel.

The President of the Republic declared in particular on this subject that it is “an inexplicable and inexcusable act”then add that “nothing justifies the death of a young person”. Not even, for example, the cases expressly defined by the law of self-defence, namely the fact of preventing the commission of a crime or of stopping its intervention? Many questions arise about what happened in Nanterre. The investigation is still ongoing and it is precisely hoped that nothing is “inexplicable”.

This word chosen by the tenant of the Élysée rings false like the words “of affection, shared pain and support” which he addressed to Nahel’s family and entourage. To believe that his theater teacher he had when he was a teenager did not know how to teach him the art of feeling emotions and, at the same timeto express them authentically…

For her part, Elisabeth Borne lambasted “shocking images” Who “show an intervention that clearly does not comply with the rules of engagement of our law enforcement forces.” As for Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, he mentioned “extremely shocking images”that describe “gestures absolutely not in accordance with the instructions and the law of the Republic” and described this event as a tragedy, because “there is no other word when a young person dies.”

In summary, the entire government tried and sentenced this policeman, who did not benefit from the presumption of innocence like a certain Éric Dupond-Moretti, still in office at the Ministry of Justice.

This change of course contrasts with the usual reactions of the executive for this type of event. The last case dates back to last June, when a 19-year-old Guinean was killed in Angoulême by a representative of the police – who was indicted for homicide – after refusing to comply. No similar reaction from Macron, Borne or Darmanin, as in the case of the 13 people who died in 2022 as part of refusal to comply during road checks.

No one is fooled. Main instigators of the laws adopted since 2017, Emmanuel Macron and his government have greatly contributed to worsening the situation in the suburbs. And these have brought no solution to the economic and social problems. The sole purpose of this sudden change in tone was to avoid the conflagration. Prevent the riots from spreading throughout the country, and turning into greater chaos, of terrible intensity.

In summary, forgive the oxymoron, the end of “controlled chaos” had to be avoided. In other words the end of a generalized confusion, whether it is the fruit of a deep incompetence or an assumed malevolence by constantly blowing hot and cold. A harmful situation for society which would ultimately allow the country to be reformed in a unilateral, anti-democratic way, with, for example, draconian or anti-social bills.

Crucial reforms about which the debates are absent or fail to capture the attention of the general public, caught in the media trap and afflicted by a permanent emotional blow. Only the most extreme fringes of the electorate then remain visible the recourse to remedies which do not cure anything in depth but which make Macronie hope to be able to glean a few votes in order to remain in business at all costs. Until when, this merry-go-round?

#Permanent #change #Macronie

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