Perropájaro: “Today you can’t not take a stand” | Solidarity show with those illegally detained

by times news cr

2024-08-23 03:15:09

He June 12, in the vicinity of Congress, Police arrested 33 people who were protesting against the approval of the Bases Law. A couple of days later, most of the detainees were released, but still Two people remain on trial with preventive detention in a maximum security prison in Ezeiza: Daniela Calarco Arredondo and Roberto de la Cruz Gomez. For this reason, in order to help the families of the detainees and to make the situation visible, the Perropájaro group (band of Santiago Adano, former detainee) and the singer and composer Mel Muñiz will be the protagonists of a solidarity event this Saturday, August 24 at 7 pm at ND/Teatro (Paraguay 918). In addition, in the theater lobby there will be an exhibition of illustrations by twenty artists who were part of a virtual campaign around the slogan “Demonstrating is not a crime.”

The intention of the date is to “make visible the situation of Daniela and Roberto, who remain detained,” Adano emphasizes, who was also arbitrarily detained on the evening of June 12 for protesting. Of the 33 people arrested by the police that day, two have not yet been released, Five were prosecuted and 28 lacked merit. “It’s been more than two months since these two people They are in a maximum security prison for non-carcerable crimes. “We are not asking for direct acquittal, but for them to be outside to carry out the judicial process, which is what should happen by law. If there is no risk of flight or of hindering the investigation, they should be outside,” emphasizes the former Julio y Agosto.

“Among the arguments for keeping them detained is that they can ‘hinder the investigation’, because as there are still ‘people who have not been identified due to the riots’ if they go out ‘they can connect with those people’. In reality, they want to keep them inside because It suits them that there are people in prison all over the media-political circus that they put together. And for a clear “social discipline”. Thus, all the money raised on this date will be allocated to the fund of the coordinator for the freedom of the detainees and their families, and also for those released who are in a vulnerable situation.

-Is it impossible to dissociate the relationship between the artist and the sociopolitical context?

-What has it community It’s that we all have to be concerned about taking care of each other. And I feel that this transcends the profession. Something beautiful about community and neighborhood life is that it doesn’t matter who the other person is or what they do, you want them to be well because you know that if the other person is better, you are too. So, what I expect from any human being is that if someone falls on the sidewalk next to that person, they stop and pick them up. Something very basic of mutual care. And I expect it from a musician, a baker or a mechanic. What art has in particular, and more so as we understand it, is that Many artists have a brutal arrival. And they are there all the time, whether you look for it or not, transmitting a message.

-In what sense?

-If you, in a context where retirees are earning a minimum of 200 thousand pesos, don’t say anything about the fact that they can’t make ends meet or that they have to stop taking medicine to buy food, the message you’re giving is that it’s not important. You can’t not take a position. I see amazing shows from super talented and innovative people, in super big stadiums, but if we don’t use that force to take care of those who need it most there is something missing in the equation. Depending on the power you have in a community, that is what you have to assume as a role. You cannot act like an idiot with the power of communication and mobilization that you have. What an artist publishes today on a social network has an important effect that builds discourse and social framework. A tweet can have the same effect. transcendence than a song.

-Did the arrest on June 12 strengthen your convictions or change your outlook?

-That whole sequence was ordered for me, beyond the horrible thing it caused, such as the suffering of my family and friends. The community response was so powerful that the situation was also difficult for me. hopeful: when people have a clear, common goal and when they organize themselves communally, it is very powerful what it can do. It is a very powerful machine that we can deploy when we put our skills at the service of the community. I already had in mind that art is not the most important thing -although it is what I like to do the most-, but that The most important thing is that people are well, that there is social justice and that everyone has a plate of food. This experience was very organizing for me. don’t put the cart before the horse. In my case the horse is art, but the cart, what I want to pull, is something else. I want art to be a vehicle of construction of culture In the most complete sense. Artistic discourse and the discourse of artists have a lot of power. If an artist shows on his networks that he cares about others, people will start to care about others.

-And do you think there is complete freedom of expression at this time?

-No. As a base Instagram restricts political content. When you post publications that have political content, they get far fewer views than others. There are even some topics or words that cannot be mentioned in scientific research, public media or in artistic proposals in the official circuit. (refers to LGBTIQ+, feminist or civil-military dictatorship issues). We are at a time when there is censorship. Because for anything you say on social media, if you are a big artist, you get a lot of criticism. troll cataract to fuck you up.

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