Perseid Meteor Shower 2021: Best Meteor Shower of the Year Predicted to Peak on Aug. 12

by time news

The Perseid meteor shower is set to illuminate the night sky on the night of August 12 this year, according to experts. The Perseids are highly regarded as the best meteor shower of the year due to their abundance and pleasant late-summer temperatures, as stated by NASA. Unlike last year, when the shower coincided with a full moon, this year’s moon will be a waning crescent, allowing for even fainter meteors to be visible.

According to the NASA All Sky Fireball Network, the first Perseid meteor of the year was detected on July 26. These meteors are known for their fireballs, which are larger explosions of light and color that can last longer than an average meteor streak. NASA explains that these fireballs are created by pieces of space debris from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862. This comet orbits the Sun every 133 years and last visited our inner solar system in 1992. The radiant point of the meteor shower, the point in the sky where the meteors appear to originate, is located near the constellation Perseus, giving them their name.

The best viewing time for the Perseids is during the pre-dawn hours in the Northern Hemisphere. However, there are times when they can be seen as early as 10 p.m., as advised by NASA. Bill Cooke, who leads NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office, states that people in the U.S. can expect to see approximately 40 Perseids in the hour before dawn on the peak nights. He notes that this averages to about one meteor every couple of minutes, which is quite impressive. However, he emphasizes that optimal viewing conditions are away from cities and suburbs, as the brighter skies in these areas greatly reduce the meteor viewing rates. In suburban areas, only 10 or fewer meteors are expected to be visible in an hour. NASA suggests that all one needs to experience the meteor shower is a clear sky, darkness, and a bit of patience. Meteors can generally be spotted all over the sky, so there is no need to look in any particular direction.

So mark your calendars for the night of August 12 and prepare to witness one of nature’s most mesmerizing shows. The Perseid meteor shower promises to dazzle audiences with its spectacular fireballs and graceful meteors streaking across the heavens. Whether you’re an avid stargazer or just curious to see a celestial spectacle, this event is not to be missed. Grab a blanket, lay back, and enjoy the show!

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