Personal training – what does it contribute?

by time news

direct the spotlight to the right places

Personal training is based on the insight that within us lie many answers and solutions to life situations. Solutions that people try to dictate from the outside and by force usually do not last long. So what does the training contribute: the idea of ​​personal training lies in the fact that a great many insights, answers and methods of action are found within each of us (and probably among all of us). The role of the trainer is not to dictate from the outside a course of action or a method that is contrary to the personality or values ​​of the trainee. In fact the opposite is true. The personal trainer helps the trainee in directing the spotlight to the right place that already exists inside. Experienced coaches know how to ask the questions, identify the difference between what is desired (in the future) and the current situation (today). When one’s values ​​and strengths are harnessed for this purpose, considerable success can be achieved. Thanks to the trainee’s participation all along the way and the personal route charting for him, the results last for a long time.

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personal training

personal training

(Photo: FREEPIK)

In what situations can personal training help?

Training processes can suit people at different points in life. for example:

1. To achieve a focused goal – training allows people to achieve focused goals in life. The goal can be improving interpersonal communication, success in a relationship, success in a job interview. It could be the desire to find a better job. The desire to establish a stable relationship. Countless goals can be legitimate. The contribution of training is to move towards the desired goal and achieve success within a reasonable period of time, not long but focused and orderly.

2. Defining a goal in situations of ambiguity – a good coach can help people who feel that something is getting in the way in life but need to define a goal for themselves to implement. Everyone has important goals they want to achieve but may have difficulty focusing on.

3. The search for happiness – it is not a simple thing to define what happiness is. However, the desire to be happy is not an unattainable dream. Training can make a crucial contribution in gaining insights into the questions of why one feels empty, unsatisfied or unhappiness. Sometimes these things stem from habits that should be changed. Sometimes it is due to scattering in life, following paths that do not suit us. Sometimes this results from conduct that does not suit us, our values, our core self. In the process of training, it is possible to identify what our pure values ​​are, what causes a feeling of worthlessness or lack of satisfaction and how to fill life with content and actions that lead to a better place.

4. A feeling of lack – training can help people who feel a lack. This lack can be a physical lack, a mental lack, sometimes a type of blockage. When in life there is a gap between what we want or need and what we have, the feeling is unbearable. In training you can identify where this feeling of lack comes from and how it can be filled.

A practical and not ambiguous way

A very important advantage of personal training is based on the fact that it is a practical, active and effective way. It is not a vague method, which speaks in concepts that are not completely clear and non-intuitive. The trainers do not use a foreign world of concepts but help focus the trainees and lead them in a practical, clear and process way.

Every time you advance another step, it builds on the previous step you achieved before. The trainee should be clear all along what he has achieved, what he has learned, where he is in the process and what he is supposed to do next. The exercises, insights and processes are selected in full collaboration and individually.

Finally, note that training is goal-oriented, but it yields a much broader benefit. In training, the trainee receives a personal toolbox, which is just right for him. He learns to act differently than before, to initiate processes and achieve things correctly and efficiently for him. After these work tools are assimilated and he practices them, it is possible to reproduce the way of behavior and the insights, to achieve additional and desirable goals in life.

Submitted on behalf of: College of Initiatives

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