Perugi – Style – created a fashion collection inspired by the story of women with cancer

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To create out of pain? This is not a simple thing at all. There is something very revealing in bringing your story to everyone, although the story may also help others. Sahar Cohen (26), a former Golani officer, a young entrepreneur and participant in the next season of “Survival”, has a life story that is not simple at all, but he directed his pain to a particularly good cause. It was a decision that also included a fashionable aspect – when he decided to establish a blue-and-white fashion brand called “TIKI”, which contributes its profits to support organizations that support patients and patients with the damned cancer. These days, Cohen has launched a unique and inspiring collection at TIKI that tells the story of women who died of the disease and those who recovered from it.

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“It all started with my personal story,” Cohen shares with us. “We were very connected and her passing led me to difficult times while I was a combat officer in the army. I would return with great sadness and feel great loneliness after her passing. I was looking for a way to fill myself, find meaning and do good in the world. I decided to establish this brand .

The late Sahar and his mother © Private Photography

What did it look like at first?

“I founded ‘TIKI’, and in the beginning I sold hats. It was a dizzying success and we decided to grow it! “About our products and so they share their story. All the value message we aim for goes through really cool and young products that I believe can suit everyone.”

Sahar Cohen

Sahar Cohen © Private Photography

We realized that there is a special story for the new collection that came out in honor of the summer.

“The next collection is very special – it includes the stories of several brave women and heroines (and one man), some of whom lost their lives to the disease, some of whom overcame it and some of whom live next to it.”

© Courtesy of TIKI

© Courtesy of TIKI

Was there a special story that particularly touched you?

“One of the stories that touched me the most was Adi’s story. She dealt with advanced cancer and was treated at Home Hospice. Despite coping with the disease, she miraculously managed to give birth to two stunning daughters. Adi’s shirt includes a sunflower flower identified with sun and sunrise. Like the tattoo she has, and the word ‘shining’ (Shining in English) on the back of the shirt with sunflower flowers in two colors representing her daughters. “With great sorrow, this week I was informed of Adi’s death after a long struggle with the disease. Adi is a ray of sunshine in this world and I will always remember her as such – ‘shines’.

Adi Z's shirt

The shirt of the late Adi © courtesy of TIKI

Beyond the story of the late Adi, there is also a shirt in memory of your late mother.

“True, it is the shirt that is closest to me, in memory of my mother – the late Anat. My mother was a strong, dominant, active woman, entrepreneurial in character and spirit. During my life I went through a lot of difficulties, at school, in the environment where I grew up, in the army, in relationships She has always been there. There is a picture very much identified with her in which she is photographed next to a “live, love, laugh” sign. A sign that is so identified with her and her way of life, this shirt is dedicated to her. “

© Courtesy of TIKI

Anat Z.

The late Anat © Private Photography

How do you manage to innovate and surprise when it comes to a fashion brand that brings such a message and contribution to patients and cancer recoverers?

“There are two things that are very important to us in this special brand – the first, that we will be a quality fashion brand, with quality products, young and cool looks that are really fun to wear! The second, conveying a sense of belonging and good deed by actually purchasing the product.”

© Courtesy of TIKI

“This brand is a whole story. A story of heroic and brave people who have recovered from the disease, are fighting it right now and asked those who are no longer with us. To wear ‘TIKI’ is to give value to the world, it is to do good to yourself and others. .

Peruvian surfers enjoy a unique benefit for the brand and on the way support the same associations – at the time of purchase On the TIKI website – Enter the code “Frogi” and get a 10% discount.

© Courtesy of TIKI

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