Peruvian – Entertainment – Oops! Naya Binstock’s military sentence has been revealed

by time news

Today (Thursday) the first film of the “Refreshment Channel” trio is released. What started as a viral phenomenon – has become a real film, one that is marked as the Israeli hit at the box office. We also joined the gala premiere of “Rising to the Top”, revealing some secrets from the stars’ past!

More on Perugi’s entertainment channel:

The film stars: Omar Rybak, Dor Muskel and Rotem Kaplinsky, who are coming to the cinema for the first time, and alongside them: Rotem Sela, Eran Zarchovich, Tom Yaar, Naya Binstock, Eden Saban, Alma Zack, Orly Zilbershtz and more.

What is the film about? The “Refreshment Channel”, not to mention Shaked Ferrara, Asthma de Loco and Lidoy, were the most successful pop band in the country, until their unfortunate statement against the army turned them into enemies of the state overnight. In an attempt to restore their name, the three most pampered stars in the country enlist in the PR band – a military band that aims to increase the popularity of the IDF, under the command of Sharona (Rotem Sela) and Yirmi (Eran Zarhovich). When they are away from home, fans and their favorite hookah, old tensions pop up and threaten to break up the band. For the first time since they met at age 4 in the Red Bull kindergarten, the three split up.

© Rafi Daloia, PR

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