Peruvians abroad will access Mivivienda Credit for their own home

by time news

According to a bill presented by Congressman Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu.

Peruvians abroad will access the benefit of the Mivivienda Credit for their own home.

The Fuerza Popular congressman, Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu, presented a bill that seeks that Peruvians residing abroad can access the purchase of a house in Peru through the Mivivienda Credit by sending remittances.

According to the proposal, which still needs to be analyzed by the Economy Commission, the law will allow Peruvians residing abroad and who send their remittances for the benefit of a Family Housing Bonus; intended exclusively for the acquisition of a home within the Peruvian territory.

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Likewise, it specifies that the beneficiaries will be Peruvians residing abroad who “prove the sending of remittances to the national territory, constantly and uninterruptedly for a minimum period of 2 consecutive years.”

“He Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation adapts this law to the Regulations of Law 27829, Law that Creates the Family Housing Bonus (BFH), within a period of no more than sixty (60) calendar days from its publication ”, indicates the initiative.


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