Pests and even worms! What can live in your flower pots

by time news

  • Use your fingers to scrape off as much of the plant’s leaves, stems and flowers as possible. In this way, it will be possible to squeeze and get rid of some of the pests.
  • Use a hair dryer. Take the flower pot to the bath or put it in the sink, place/hold it at an angle and gently blow lukewarm air on it with a hair dryer. The aphids don’t like it very much, some of them fall off by themselves, the rest are blown away.
  • If aphids have settled on a small plant, you can try to drown the pests. First, the pot is wrapped in a polyethylene bag and tied so that the soil does not wash out in the field, then the entire flower is soaked in lukewarm water and left for a couple of hours.
  • Garlic is used for prevention. If the aphids have not yet settled, but experience shows that they have not been avoided in other years, then cloves of garlic are a good deterrent. Lightly compressed lobes are inserted into the flower pot deep enough to cover them with soil. Aphids do not like garlic, and this way the soil will be saturated with garlic aroma. If the aphids have already occupied the plant, this technique will no longer be very effective.

How to get rid of cobwebs?

Spider webs like warm and dry air, they like to live on the underside of leaves, where they suck the plant’s juice. The leaves turn yellow-pale, begin to curl, and the uninitiated sometimes believe that this is a sign of a lack of nutrients. Later the leaves turn greyish, brownish and fall off.

1. First of all, care should be taken to humidify the air in the rooms where houseplants grow. It is also recommended to water the plants themselves regularly and place a saucer with water near them.

2. If spider mites have already occupied the plant, it is good to rinse its leaves and stems with a gentle, but still noticeable water jet. Before that, the pot itself is covered or wrapped in a polyethylene bag so as not to wash away and not wet the soil too much.

3. Another environmentally friendly technique is to wrap the plant in a transparent polyethylene bag. Experts say that after ten days, all spider mites should be dead. The main thing is not to forget to water the plant regularly.

4. If there are a lot of netflies, you should resort to special products that can be bought in gardening stores, where attention is also paid to biological plant protection products.

With chestnut decoction against worms in a flower pot!

Unwanted worms disappear from the flower pot if the soil is watered with a cooled decoction of horse chestnut leaves.

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